Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710?

I want a parrot really bad.i want aa rosella, parrotlet, lovebird, lorkeets, grey, king parrot, and more!but i really really want a rosella!please someone help!

    Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710?

    I want a parrot really bad.i want aa rosella, parrotlet, lovebird, lorkeets, grey, king parrot, and more!but i really really want a rosella!please someone help!...
    General Dog Discussions : Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710?...

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    • Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710?

      Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710? General Dog Discussions
      I want a parrot really bad.i want aa rosella, parrotlet, lovebird, lorkeets, grey, king parrot, and more!but i really really want a rosella!please someone help!

      Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710?

      Wher to buy parrots cheap in tucson close to 85710? General Dog Discussions
    • First have you ever owned a bird? It frustrates me when one wants to buy a parrot cheap. The bird is the least of your cost. One vet bill can cost $200.00 or more, one toy can cost $20.00 or more, one cage for the size of a rosella can cost $400.00. Birds are not toys, yes they are beautiful, yes they are unique, but they can be an Intelligent as a Dolphin, and most will out live you. They are noisy, messy, and costly. They are like children that never grow up. And when you don't give them the things they need they scream, pluck, self-mutilate, or simply tune out and sit in one area of their cages day after day. A bird is the most unique creature in the animal world, if you have no experience with them a kitty or puppy would be your best bet. It will act the way you want it to. It will love you. A bird runs it's own show and will bite to the point of drawing blood if it is having a bad day. People who know birds know this is all part of who they are. When I see the words cheap and bird in the same sentence it hurts me.