My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad?

So my dog Zuko is a three month old dachshund puppy and we went to the vet so he could get his shots.Now the vet said he had an abdomen of a cat so what does that mean is he comfortable ,SPECIAL,bad or good

    My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad?

    So my dog Zuko is a three month old dachshund puppy and we went to the vet so he could get his shots.Now the vet said he had an abdomen of a cat so what does that mean is he comfortable ,SPECIAL,bad or good...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad?...

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    • My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad?

      My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad? General Dog Discussions
      So my dog Zuko is a three month old dachshund puppy and we went to the vet so he could get his shots.Now the vet said he had an abdomen of a cat so what does that mean is he comfortable ,SPECIAL,bad or good

      My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad?

      My dog has an abdomen of a cat is that good or bad? General Dog Discussions