Things to do for dog with sprained paw?

Hi,Yesterday my dog ran outside and slid across some ice and and sprained his front left paw. I called the vet, and the assistant told me to apply pressure to the paw/arm to make sure nothing was broken. I did, and he didn't cry at all she said to just…

    Things to do for dog with sprained paw?

    Hi,Yesterday my dog ran outside and slid across some ice and and sprained his front left paw. I called the vet, and the assistant told me to apply pressure to the paw/arm to make sure nothing was broken. I did, and he didn't cry at all she said to just…...
    General Dog Discussions : Things to do for dog with sprained paw?...

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    • Things to do for dog with sprained paw?

      Things to do for dog with sprained paw? General Dog Discussions
      Hi,Yesterday my dog ran outside and slid across some ice and and sprained his front left paw. I called the vet, and the assistant told me to apply pressure to the paw/arm to make sure nothing was broken. I did, and he didn't cry at all she said to just and try to make sure he rests. He is walking on it but not applying too much pressure, and he cries a bit when he first tries to get up. What else besides rest can I do to help with his sprain?

      Things to do for dog with sprained paw?

      Things to do for dog with sprained paw? General Dog Discussions
    • When my dog did the same thing last winter, they told me to put cold compresses on the sprain and not let him run or jump. He was on an anti-inflammatory as well. You might want to ask the Vet about giving him some baby aspirin if he still seems in pain. They will be able to give you the proper dosage and determine if there is any reason he shouldn't take it.

    • When our dog sprained her paw, the vet told us to soak it every day for a week in an Epsom salt solution. You can find Epsom salts in the drug store, and it has instructions on soaking right on the box. We used a mop bucket, and our dog found it very soothing; she looked forward to it! But don't let him drink it--the box will tell you why.