How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer?

There is this small dog grooming salon where is live and i was wondering, since im 17 years old, if it is possible i could work there without having any experience even if it is just to bathe the pets.

    How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer?

    There is this small dog grooming salon where is live and i was wondering, since im 17 years old, if it is possible i could work there without having any experience even if it is just to bathe the pets....
    General Dog Discussions : How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer?...

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    • How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer?

      How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer? General Dog Discussions
      There is this small dog grooming salon where is live and i was wondering, since im 17 years old, if it is possible i could work there without having any experience even if it is just to bathe the pets.

      How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer?

      How old do you need to be to become a dog groomer? General Dog Discussions
    • It depends on the owner of the shop and what they're looking for in an employee. You're certainly old enough to work, but some shops prefer having experience employees that know how to handle dogs and potential emergencies. Would you know what to do if a dog panicked in the tub and tried to jump out? If a dog tried to attack the hand dryer? If a dog had a seizure in the tub?You would have better luck trying for bather or assistant (IE shop help) than a groomer, because to BE a groomer you need to have some sort of training or guidance. If a groomer isn't willing to mentor you, then you're SOL - lots to learn and none of it is really book or video learning!Working as a groomer - or even a pet bather - may sound fun but i strongly urge you to shadow a groomer/bather for a day. It's a lot of work and can be dangerous (dogs CAN bite) and messy (ever have a dog with diarrhea stuck to it's hind quarter fur?).... yeah. You might change your mind once you see what it is we really do!