Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets?

I plan on doing a lot of backpacking with my dog and it just doesn't seem possible to carry enough water for him for an entire trip. I don't want him to be drinking from the rivers or lakes as they may be contaminated.I just want to know if he can drink…

    Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets?

    I plan on doing a lot of backpacking with my dog and it just doesn't seem possible to carry enough water for him for an entire trip. I don't want him to be drinking from the rivers or lakes as they may be contaminated.I just want to know if he can drink…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets?...

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    • Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets?

      Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets? General Dog Discussions
      I plan on doing a lot of backpacking with my dog and it just doesn't seem possible to carry enough water for him for an entire trip. I don't want him to be drinking from the rivers or lakes as they may be contaminated.I just want to know if he can drink water I've treated with iodine tablets. If not I guess I'll have to buy some other purification system...Thanks in advance!

      Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets?

      Is it ok for my dog to drink water I treat with iodine tablets? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to ask your vet - and ask them for any other recommendations about what to take on this trip as well. There have been questions form people out on the trail whose dogs had been injured, and they didn't pack the supplies they really needed to treat an injury or an illness. As the Boy Scouts say - Be Prepared.