would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch?

Our dog was scratched on the leg by a cat and is limping . It was a large cat and she is a small Maltese dog. Could a tendon be punctured ?

    would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch?

    Our dog was scratched on the leg by a cat and is limping . It was a large cat and she is a small Maltese dog. Could a tendon be punctured ?...
    General Dog Discussions : would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch?...

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    • would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch?

      would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch? General Dog Discussions
      Our dog was scratched on the leg by a cat and is limping . It was a large cat and she is a small Maltese dog. Could a tendon be punctured ?

      would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch?

      would a small dog be injured from a cat scratch? General Dog Discussions
    • could very well be something, not necessarily a punctured tendoncats are very prone to carrying around various kinds of diseases, the vet told me that when my cat bit my arm and only one side of the arm got infected was because the cat's upper teeth apparently had bacteria the bottom half did not--had to understand in the same mouthand my son one time had cat fever from a little cat scratch and this absolutely nothing to be sneezed atif the leg has not swollen it is probably temporary but it would not be amiss to watch it closely

    • There is many different factors that may help you find an answer.-How deep is the cut? A slash, scrape, deep wound (gash)?-Where is it located on the leg? More up towards the thigh, or near the bone? -How long has it been limping? If over 24 hours, I'd recommend the vet. -Is there anything caught in the cut? For example, a piece of the cat's nail could be caught in it. This would definitely cause limping, and a great deal of pain. If this is the case, contact the vet immediatley. But in the mean time, lie the dog down, and, using small set of prongs, or clippers, carefully extract as much foreign materials as possible. Do not attempt to close the wound, but rather air it out, and gently dap the affected area with a clean gauze pad.

    • Sure, just like a person.Examine the leg - if the injury is deep like a bite puncture or deep scratch - a vet call might be in order. It needs flushing and she may need antibiotics.If it is just a surface scratch and hurting, cut away the hair , clean the wound well and put Neosporin or Tribiotic cream/ointment on the wound. If you use cream or ointment, you may want to cover it with guaze and a wrap for 8-9 hours or use an e-collar to give the antibiotic time to soak in. After a few hours, just keep an eye on it - oozing, swelling or redness extending from the wound are signs that a vet call may be needed. Licking is natural and therapeutic if not overdone. If she becomes obsessed with the spot, you may have to put an e-collar back on for a while.

    • Just watch her for a few days. Keep an eye on the scratch & keep it clean (hydrogen peroxide).Sometimes dogs take advantage of our feeling by showing pain when there really isn't any pain just to get the extra petting & cuddles, baby me, love me.Just watch it for a few days. If you see any swelling, or it gets infected take her to the Vet. But it should all be ok & not much to it. Just keep it clean.