Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?

I have a 14 year old yorkie who i'ved had since i was 5. Recently she started having difficulty breathing and pants alot. She will go through these phases where she will be coughing and grasping for air. Today i took her to the vet and they did blood…

    Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?

    I have a 14 year old yorkie who i'ved had since i was 5. Recently she started having difficulty breathing and pants alot. She will go through these phases where she will be coughing and grasping for air. Today i took her to the vet and they did blood…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?...

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    • Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?

      Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 14 year old yorkie who i'ved had since i was 5. Recently she started having difficulty breathing and pants alot. She will go through these phases where she will be coughing and grasping for air. Today i took her to the vet and they did blood work and x rays. They called me back a few hours later and said for the whole family to come in this afternoon. I know the news is bad, and we expected it. My mom is having a hard time and we are contemplative wether to put her to sleep or not. She seems not to be in pain, but she looks lost and dillusional. I dont know what to do honestly, and my heart aches. My whole family has taken the day off work and my dad thinks its best to put her down. I just know its going to be hard without her, and our other dog has been whining all morning. I just want to make sure she wont feel pain if she goes and i want her to rest peacefully.

      Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?

      Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep? General Dog Discussions
    • my friend recently had her dog put to sleep and they gave the dog a pain killer before they put him to sleep. you can ask the vet what is best to do with her. i am very sorry, i know how its so hard to lose a beloved pet

    • There is no pain involved. They will insert an injection of medication into her leg vein, and she will go to sleep and stop breathing. It's a very humane process. It will be hardest on the family, but think about her quality of life. I believe it's the kindest thing when there is little or no quality of life left. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    • No, no pain. It's better to put her down before she really suffers, she will thank you for it. Like I always tell people, I'd rather do it a week too soon than a minute too late. It is the greatest gift we can give our animals to end their pain before they have to suffer. You can even get her cremated and keep the ashes if you want...your vet can set that up for you. I'm sorry for your family, but you will be doing the right thing. I'm sure she had a wonderful, long life.

    • sweet hearthugsi dont think any one can honestly say yes or no to this very hard question some say all they feel is a tiny prick from the needle and then they just fall asleepwhen i had my dog of 14 yrs put down it was heart breaking but i no she isnt in any more painhope u make the right choice for her

    • She won't feel pain, she will get 2 injections, one to put her to sleep and then one to stop her heart.I hope you hold her in your arms and keep her calm while she is injected so she won't be afraid or stressed - then she can sleep that long sleep.Don't leave her to people who don't love her, be brave and see her through it by holding her a last time.I feel for you, it is an awful thing to have to do, but it really is that last kindness you owe your loyal pet, if there is no hope and your dog is in pain or has no quality of life left, you must face this.I offer you my sympathy, I've had to do this and I know how hard it is.

    • The decision to euthanize is always a hard one to make. I'm sorry to hear that you must make such a decision. Euthanasia is the most humane way to put an animal out of suffering. I can't make the decision for you, but I can say that euthanasia is not a painful way to end. A dog drifts off peacefully. Not in pain and not in suffering. I only hope that if you make this decision you will stay with the dog until the end. It would be much easier for the dog if you were there. I insure you that if you think your dog is suffering, this is the most peaceful way to go. I'm sorry.

    • Hi sweetie, well if your baby is having troule breathing ect...... it would be best to put her to sleep. Only your vet can say for sure. No, she will not feel anything. The vet will put an IV into her leg, then give the medicine. She will just fall asleep, i promise. And remember, your not a bad person for having to put your baby to sleep. It makes you and your family responsible pet parents, for not letting her suffer. if you need us were here for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! We here on answers feel your pain. Sorry sweetie, let us know okay!.P.S. hugs to you and your family.

    • No, she won't feel pain. She will go to sleep peacefully and just not wake up. And it truly is the most humane thing you can do for her. I've been there myself and I'm terribly sorry for your situation; you have my sympathy. Losing a pet is a very difficult thing to get thru. But know that if you and your family make this decision, you're doing what's best for your dog even though it hurts you.

    • Its a very sad situation, but the truth is you really don't know how much pain she is in. Dogs are very good at hiding there pain. Its a survival trait. You need to listen to what the vet suggests. But I have to admit, it does not look good. Ill pray for you and your family. but its like you being put under anesthesia. She will feel a prick and get very sleepy and go to sleep. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    • First of all, I'm sorry for your pet and your family and your other dog. Trust me, your other dog knows what's going on. They are very smart.Second, no your dog will not feel pain. Plus, you can go in while they do it if you choose. I think that's a good idea. Your dog has given you 9 years of happiness, unconditional love, lots of good times, laughs and memories. She's been a friend and listener to you when you've had no one else. So....the most admirable and selfless thing you can do for her right now, is go in with her as she is being put to sleep. Why? Cause she's shown you years of love, and you can show her YOUR love by being there with her, letting her leave by seeing your loving familiar face. You can pet her, talk to her and cry as she's going. They will put an iv into her arm and once that's in, they'll put the medicine in it and it's all over in an instant. Her body instantly shuts down and her heart will stop. It's very quick and painless. I'm so sorry for you all and I will say a prayer for all of you.Plus...I think that when your dog dies..she'll be in heaven, and she'll be met by my beloved Mrs Beasley who was killed by a car a few years ago. She'll take good care of your dog and they'll be the best of friends!!! She'll take care of your dog until you and I are in heaven to meet them once again and this time it'll be FOREVER!!!!!!!Feel free to email me if you'd like.

    • As the others have said, she will not feel pain but will go to sleep and that will be it. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts to lose a friend.

    • So sorry for you having to make that decision. Please do what is best for the dog though. I have been through that with a dog and a cat and its awful but they will be much better off ot suffering. The shot is peaceful and they just go to sleep. Be sure you are there because if you aren't you will regret it.