Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?

I have a 14 year old yorkie who i'ved had since i was 5. Recently she started having difficulty breathing and pants alot. She will go through these phases where she will be coughing and grasping for air. Today i took her to the vet and they did blood…

    Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?

    I have a 14 year old yorkie who i'ved had since i was 5. Recently she started having difficulty breathing and pants alot. She will go through these phases where she will be coughing and grasping for air. Today i took her to the vet and they did blood…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will the dog feel pain when being put to sleep?...

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    • No, it doesn't hurt at all. I am sure she will be frightened because it is a vet's office, a strange place, but it doesn't hurt.

    • The only thing she might feel is the stick of a little needle. Have a family member with her when she goes. Please don't leave her to die with strangers. Tell her everything is going to be fine and she will feel better soon.It's never a good idea to keep them around just for your own sake. She is OLD and doesn't need to suffer when you already know what's coming. It's the best thing you can do for her now to keep her from pain.I pray that good memories will replace your grief quickly. I always go and adopt a new dog right away, knowing that it will help me get over it faster and I am giving a poor dog a home AND always remember that the new pet can never take the place of a previous one. Give it a chance to be it's own self and never expect more than it can be.You have been given some wonderful advice here and we all hate to see you and your family go through this awful time.Be blessed.