Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated?

Or does the anaesthetic needle numb it so he cant feel pain after it is done? I am getting it done tomorrow, also what if he bites the stitching and bleeds is this possible? When he has been castrated how long do I have to wait to pick him up?

    Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated?

    Or does the anaesthetic needle numb it so he cant feel pain after it is done? I am getting it done tomorrow, also what if he bites the stitching and bleeds is this possible? When he has been castrated how long do I have to wait to pick him up?...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated?...

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    • Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated?

      Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated? General Dog Discussions
      Or does the anaesthetic needle numb it so he cant feel pain after it is done? I am getting it done tomorrow, also what if he bites the stitching and bleeds is this possible? When he has been castrated how long do I have to wait to pick him up?

      Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated?

      Will my dog be in pain after he gets castrated? General Dog Discussions
    • He will be given a G/A and as with any operation there is always some discomfort afterwards and he should be given painkillers to take home .You will be given a cone that he will wear to stop him from biting his stitches i took my dogs off when he was eating and drinkingWhen the vet allows him home you can pick him up there ,your vet will give you after care advice at the Time .

    • I've had several dogs castrated....none showed any signs of pain. I mean I'm sure it hurt a little.... Your vet can give you a cone to put on the dogs head if he starts biting the area.I think you have to wait a day. But not sure.

    • These are really questions for your vet but.He will be under a GENERAL anesthetic and will be Out for the count!When he awakens, he will feel pain for a few days, and your Vet should give you pain meds for him!Ask the Vet about the stitch biting! Some dogs require an E-collar (cone) to keep them from licking or chewing the area!HE WILL BE JUST FINE, but please question your vet!!!Good Luck and do not be overly concerned!

    • From experience: He will be in pain for a week or more. And he'll probably get a plastic thing around his neck, so he won't bite or lick the stitches. And you're most probably allowed to pick him up the next day. :)

    • In spite of all the male angst, this is a dog and it is minor surgery for him.The vet will likely give him a 24 hour pain injection, he'll be groggy first day but you will likely be needing to keep him from being too active by the next day.I've had dozens of dogs neutered (I foster), all ages, they were all up and running by the second day.The stitiches are usually inside and glued outside, likely just 2 stitches, as I said, it is minor surgery.You can pick him up just fine by next day. Just let him rest the day he has surgery, make sure he isn't licking the stiches a lot or put a cone collar on him if he is.No big deal, never had a problem with a dog except for 2 that needed collars because they were licking the stitches excessively, most dogs get over it just fine.Note: Oops, didn't mean to cause all that fury --- however, the dog is under general anesthesia,the "nuts" are NOT "chopped off", an incision is made and the sperm producers removed, the "nuts" remain, so be calmed fella.I love dogs dearly and have devoted 10 years to rescuing and finding good homes for abandoned ones and I can tell you without a second's hesitation that the crime and misery are when dogs are NOT spayed or neutered and end up in kill shelters or starving on the street.Get a grip and see neuter/spay for the solution it is, not a vendetta against dogs (and their "nuts").The spay of females is a far more serious and intrusive operation, it is internal, not just 2 snips on the outside of the body, and it is STILL necessary if we are to keep dogs from dying in abject terror and misery.

    • He will be given a shot of pain medication by the vet. It's not typical to be given pain-relief pills to be administered at home. Generally the dog is sent home the same day as surgery. He will be sluggish and perhaps nausous from the anesthesia that is still working itself out of his system. Feed a small, bland meal that night. Usually the dog is behaving normally by the next day. Your main concern will not be pain management, but keeping him from being too active until his incision heals. It's okay for him to lick the incision. Few dogs rip out their stitches - if they do, it's an emergency and you go to the vet. If you are very worried, put an e-collar on him so he can't reach his groin. That will also interfere with running and jumping, which is a good thing for the first week.

    • After his surgery your vet will give him pain killers to help with any effects of the surgery . Just keep his exercise to a minimum for at least a week to 10 days . You will be able to see when he is feeling better his spunk will pick up just make sure you keep the incision clean and signs of any possible infection .

    • MALE ANGST ?!?!?!? WTF ? ? The genitalia of any mammal is about the most sensitive part of their body. It's going to hurt like a son of a bytche when the anesthetic wears of. And to the female that said male angst, try whacking yourself in the crotch with the sharp side of an axe and then tell me it doesn't hurt. A phuc king splinter in your finger hurts. If that's all the empathy you muster up for your pets I advise you to give them up to someone who really cares and get a pet rock ! ! ! ! ! THE NUTZ REMAIN ?!?!?!? AGAIN, WTF world do you live in. Castration means removal of the nutz. They don't perform very many vasectomies on dogs.