How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed?

I am just worried about her, she is not on pain meds, but I need to know what to look out for. See my other question about her too.

    How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed?

    I am just worried about her, she is not on pain meds, but I need to know what to look out for. See my other question about her too....
    General Dog Discussions : How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed?...

    • How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed?

      How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed? General Dog Discussions
      I am just worried about her, she is not on pain meds, but I need to know what to look out for. See my other question about her too.

      How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed?

      How do I know if my puppy girl (8 months/5 lbs) needs to see a vet, now that she was spayed? General Dog Discussions
    • the best thing to do is call your vet. I don't know what u refer to when u say u are worried about her, but the vet will put your mind at ease, much more than other dog mommy's. I got my pup @ 9 mo's and she weighed 5 lbs I had her spayed asap, she did not have pain meds sent home with her. She was running around, I had to make her be still. she ate after a bit and then slept longer than usual the first night after surg. U just make sure she doesn't mess with her stitches. Call your vet, it will reassure you! good luck!

    • You should just take her to the vet if you think something's wrong with her. If she's active and happy already, she is probably feeling good. Don't let her go nuts and jump around all over the place, but she can move around. Watch her stitches and make sure she hasn't pulled any out and that the incision looks clean and doesn't look infected or anything. Don't let her chew at it or lick it excessively. Be gentle with her. She should still eat and drink water normally. You won't need pain meds because the vet usually give them a good dose after the surgery and by the time it wears off, the dog is feeling fine.