All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why?

Just in the past couple days my basset/dash two year old will whine by herself, around our other dog or around me and my husband. She has started whining on the bed and trying to get under the covers where she continues to whine. She whines when we are…

    All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why?

    Just in the past couple days my basset/dash two year old will whine by herself, around our other dog or around me and my husband. She has started whining on the bed and trying to get under the covers where she continues to whine. She whines when we are…...
    General Dog Discussions : All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why?...

    • All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why?

      All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why? General Dog Discussions
      Just in the past couple days my basset/dash two year old will whine by herself, around our other dog or around me and my husband. She has started whining on the bed and trying to get under the covers where she continues to whine. She whines when we are all just sitting there watching TV. The only time she isnt whining is when your petting her and shes relaxed or when she is sleeping. Any suggestions as to why she might be doing this all of a sudden?

      All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why?

      All of a sudden my dog is starting to whine for no reason. Why? General Dog Discussions
    • Take her to the vet for a clean bill of health. She's whining for something. Dogs can take a lot of pain before they show symptoms of ache or pain.Otherwise, do not pet her when she whines. She will keep doing it. Only pet her when she doesn't whine. You want to positively reinforce her good behaviors, and have to be clear.

    • Obviously when you pet her it is taking her mind off of the problem, or it is rewarding the whining lol either way it's not good, she must be whining for a reason. I'd see a vet, it sounds like anxiety though? I dont know that's a guess, but man that's really weird... poor thing

    • It sounds like this is a new behavior ? If this is uncharacteristic for your dog and your household has not gone through any changes lately such as an arrival of a new dog, a move, or other stresses that your dog may sense, then I would say it could be health related. It could be anything from the dog having an ear infection, tummy ache, anal glands needs expressing to some other more serious pain. I would visit a vet to rule out any physical problems and if it still persists, then behavior modification is needed.