Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation?

We took our pup in today and got her fixed. She seems like shes ok but I can tell that the drugs are wearing off. She seems like shes hurting a little bit and I was just wondering if a heating pad or cold pack would help comfort her.

    Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation?

    We took our pup in today and got her fixed. She seems like shes ok but I can tell that the drugs are wearing off. She seems like shes hurting a little bit and I was just wondering if a heating pad or cold pack would help comfort her....
    General Dog Discussions : Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation?...

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    • Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation?

      Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation? General Dog Discussions
      We took our pup in today and got her fixed. She seems like shes ok but I can tell that the drugs are wearing off. She seems like shes hurting a little bit and I was just wondering if a heating pad or cold pack would help comfort her.

      Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation?

      Would an ice pack or heating pad help ease some pain for my dog after a spay operation? General Dog Discussions
    • No take home pain meds? Maybe you could ask the vet for some tomorrow?You could try either one, but I would be SUPER careful of anything cold perspiring and getting the stitches wet.ADD- Just thought of something. My vet keeps animals for 2 nights after a spay and she keeps heating pads in their cages, unter a blanket so they are not directly on the heating pad. So maybe it would actually help. I think it's more for warmth then pain management, but it can't hurt to try it. :)ADD - Rescue Member - I know. When I started rescuing after going to her with mom's cats, etc, it was weird to get used to the dogs coming home the same day. I don't know. I will ask her next time I go there. I might be missing something. Maybe the owners have something else done in addition to the spay, who knows. I'll check into it.

    • No, don't do that, could affect the stitches. If she seems to be in a lot of pain after the 24 hour pain injection wears off, call your vet and ask for some painkillers for her.Most dogs do o.k. with just the 24 hour shot, but if she needs something more, call your vet and ask - don't put heat or cold on her incision.Note: Can't imagine what vet keeps a dog overnight, let alone 2 nights, after a standard spay, most come home in the afternoon of the same day. I've had quite a few dogs spayed (I foster for a breed rescue) and they've all come home the same day, been a bit groggy, tired for a few days,then they're fine -- even the older dogs.

    • Do not put ice on the stitches, unless you want to lose a finger. lol!! Your vet should have given you a paper with instructions to take home. I got a paper and medicine to take home the next day (when I picked my dog up). The paper and the vet should have told you this, do not get the area wet at all. No baths, no playing with water hose,etc for 2 weeks. IF she happens to get wet, dry her off quickly around the area, completely.