About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret?

We recently found a black mass on our ferret's paw.. We looked it up and concluded it was a skin tumor. We are a bit tight on money so we're debating whether we should send him to a humane shelter where he'd be treated and adopted, or sending him to a…

    About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret?

    We recently found a black mass on our ferret's paw.. We looked it up and concluded it was a skin tumor. We are a bit tight on money so we're debating whether we should send him to a humane shelter where he'd be treated and adopted, or sending him to a…...
    General Dog Discussions : About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret?...

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    • About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret?

      About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret? General Dog Discussions
      We recently found a black mass on our ferret's paw.. We looked it up and concluded it was a skin tumor. We are a bit tight on money so we're debating whether we should send him to a humane shelter where he'd be treated and adopted, or sending him to a vet to have it removed. Here is a picture in case we are wrong about what it is:http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee306/cityzzinflames/Photoon6-1-13at1023PM_zpsdbd144e2.jpgWhat would be a good estimate on the cost to remove this?

      About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret?

      About how much would it cost to remove a skin tumor from a ferret? General Dog Discussions
    • You will have to take it to your preferred vet to receive the most accurate quote. Even just take your ferret in for a simple check up and to show the vet the area in question: no surgery has to be performed then and you can decide better what option would be best for you.In most cases of removal the animal will have to be put under, and that alone costs a pretty penny. For example, my dog had an unsightly mole growing on his maw. It did not bother him whatsoever - the removal was purely aesthetic. We figured the vet could just zing 'er off, or even pop it (it was very small, we were unsure if it was a mole or something like a pimple) but even that required him going under. This alone cost from $200-400 dollars; we had his teeth cleaned and some bad teeth removed so we paid nearly $1000 in total for these services.I can imagine something as fidgety as a ferret will require being put under and some amount of medication do deal with the pain after, or any possible infections.