My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I?

My grandmother thinks its worms because he scratches mostly above his tail and scoots on the floor. I think he has a skin condition. What can I do?

    My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I?

    My grandmother thinks its worms because he scratches mostly above his tail and scoots on the floor. I think he has a skin condition. What can I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I?...

    • My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I?

      My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I? General Dog Discussions
      My grandmother thinks its worms because he scratches mostly above his tail and scoots on the floor. I think he has a skin condition. What can I do?

      My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I?

      My Pekingese has really dry skin and scratches a lot what can I? General Dog Discussions
    • Worms do not cause scratching.I think your dog probably has impacted anal glands. Anal glads are located just at the anus of the dog, they scent the faeces when they are passed. If the glands are not properly emptied during defecation they will become impacted and eventually infected. Dogs usually scoot their bottoms on the floor due to impacted anal glands, it is painful for them. Scratching above the tail can also be a symptom of impacted anal glands, it can also be a sign of fleas. Do you not flea treat and deworm your dog regularly?Take the dog to see a vet. I am not telling you what's wrong with him, I've just given likely suggestions. He needs to be seen by a vet if you actually want to find out what's wrong with him and get treatment for it, the dog is obviously in discomfort or even pain. Do NOT use pet store 'medications' especially flea and worm treatments. And best they don't work, at worse they can be dangerous, especially if you don't actually know what the problem is, which you don't.Chalice