How do I deal with the guilt of putting my cat to sleep even though it was time?

He was in pain...I miss him terribly and feel so guilty.

    How do I deal with the guilt of putting my cat to sleep even though it was time?

    He was in pain...I miss him terribly and feel so guilty....
    General Dog Discussions : How do I deal with the guilt of putting my cat to sleep even though it was time?...

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    • Your cat was sick and in pain everyday. You did the right thing! You have no reason to feel any guilt! If you didn't put him/her to sleep even though you knew he/she was suffering in pain everyday then you would have reason to feel guilty!!! I have 2 cats and I love them more than many of my friends! I'm sorry for your loss but you would have been being selfish if you hadn't put your cat to sleep!!! Feeling guilty is sometimes part of the grieving process. Your cat is thankful that you ended all the pain. Now he/she is living it up, where it's all the catnip you can handle, HUGE buffets with the best tuna and mice any cat could want!!! I hope I helped you feel a better!

    • Don't feel guilty for it. It will get easy in time though. A few years ago my cat died, got hit by a car. I remember in the morning before I left he threw up and i was mad and put him outside. I never got to say bye to him or anything, I had him for a long time and he was like my best friend =]. For a long time I felt so bad, wondering if he hurt, if he would've been ok had I gotten home sooner. No one even bothered telling me, not the person who did it, not my neighbors, i was so angry that it happened. And no one cared that I was upset because people think, whatever, it's just a cat. Don't feel bad though, I would've rather put my cat down for the best thing for him, than have what happened to him. I still miss him and wish he was still here =[. baby <33. Everything will get better, you'll still miss him but in time you will feel good about what you did, you helped him.

    • whenever I have to put one of my babies down, I go in with them right to the very end. I am either holding them, on table or in my arms.all so they feel,see someone who really loves them before they go. to me this is the ultimate show that you love them. You are hurting but you know its best for them. I am sure that once they are gone, they go to heaven + are pain-free. I'm sure they are thankful for that. Thats what unselfish love is all about. You do whats best for them + not for you. I have done it a lot of times, it hurts like crazy but I know that they know how much I really do love them. I never let them go in alone, I always have my hands on them, so they know I am near. We even have a pet clipping place that cremates pets + I get mine done too. That way I'll still have them with me.You could make a website about him with pictures, stories as a tribute to him. Good therapy. You could also join a pet loss group. You take care of yourself + most of all forgive yourself, you did nothing wrong, you just let go of a very sick family member + that was best for them.Have you thought of adopting another cat ? say from the SPCA or animal rescue? I think you cat would've loved that

    • I am so sorry for your loss. If your cat was suffering,you really had no choice.I am sure your cat was grateful to you for letting him go. You did the right thing and anyone who loves animals would do the same. It will take some time to feel better,.but you will. Good luck!

    • from experiance i had to put my baby spot a dalmation to sleep on my birthday a year ago. birthdays for me will never never be the same. i think of her daily with much sadness but know it was best for her not me to eliminate her pain of not functioning as she was use only hope is when my time comes she will be there for did the right thing with out question. think of the good times and know he knows you loved him and did the right thing.

    • If you need to talk to someone "live," there are a number of free pet grief counseling hot lines sponsored by veterinary schools to help you. A few have toll-free numbers. See the link below.Euthanasia decisions are always difficult, but they're the right choice when a beloved pet is suffering and no more can reasonably be done to help. It's the last great act of kindness an owner can do for their pet.I am sorry for your loss (been there many times with my own pets).

    • i once have to do the same thing to a stray i met at my college. he was lying there, with broken back bone, unable to move. but he looks like he had chance of survival, i even thought the spca people just lied to me because they know he's a stray and it will be costly to treat him!however,the vet there told me that it is better to let it die in peace than to endure the pain, which is much more cruel if we let it be.because animal can't think like we human does, so we played a role in this part by making the best decision for the animal. if given chance, maybe your cat also choose to end his dear lifedon't feel guilty. because i know your cat couldn't thank you less for making things sad that you miss him. it broke my heart to hear things like this.prayers for you.i understand exactly what you feel.

    • Understand that what you did was best.If not, he would still be in pain.You put him out of pain.You made things better for him.He wil now be in cat heaven enjoying it, out of pain.

    • I had to make this decision twice in a year's time. Both of my kitties had different types of cancer. It's heartbreaking, I know, and probably one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. If he was in pain and there wasn't anything that could help him, you did the right thing.I'm so very sorry for your loss! :(

    • I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you have asked this questions as I am going through the same thing. I loss my cat day after Thanks giving. Every ones answer has been very comforting for me and I hope it is for you. I know what your going through. We will get through this in time. I'm so sorry.

    • you done what was best for him,not for you,wish is really nice,remeber good times and how much love you gave him,its hard putting cats to sleep but his out of pain,took me months to stop feeling guilty,been 6 years now and sometimes still brings a tear to my eye,even writing this

    • My heartfelt sympathy to you on the loss of your sweet furbaby.Please do not feel guilty for releasing a cat in pain where there is no hope for recovery. It is the kindest, most loving act a loving owner can do for their beloved pet.Please do give yourself time to grieve the loss. Grief counselors believe even though the process is much like that for a human, the emotions are more intense for a pet. The reason is that we are the sole, primary caretaker for a pet making the connection deeper. There are several good pet grief websites and I have attached a couple below. They have many good resources to help you work through the grief process. You can post a memory tribute to this sweet furbaby on them, too. If you have other cats in the home, they may grieve this loss also. I have attached a link for grief in cats for you.I know you will miss him. Reminsce the good times before he was ill and let those memories make you smile.Here is a poem that gave me peace when my beloved Maybelle crossed the bridge in July. I hope it brings you comfort, too.Purrs and prayers for you.Poem For Cats And God asked the feline spiritAre you ready to come home?Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soulAnd, as a cat, you know I am most ableTo decide anything for myself.Are you coming then? asked God.Soon, replied the whiskered angelBut I must come slowlyFor my human friends are troubledFor you see, they need me, quite certainly.But don't they understand? asked GodThat you'll never leave them?That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?That nothing is created or destroyed?It just is....forever and ever and ever.Eventually they will understand,Replied the glorious catFor I will whisper into their heartsThat I am always with themI just am....forever and ever and ever. Author Unknown

    • Having to have a pet put down is awful.My 19 year old cat had a stroke & the vet said she would never be able to walk again. I held her while he gave her the shot & she passed quietly, without pain. Remember the fun times you had with her & realize that he is no longer suffering. I firmly believe that we will see our beloved pets again someday.