What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated?

My dog is suddenly constipated, I guess he was eating whatever he found! HELP!...mabe a home remedy perhaps? I'm on a budget and well a vet is probably expensive.

    What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated?

    My dog is suddenly constipated, I guess he was eating whatever he found! HELP!...mabe a home remedy perhaps? I'm on a budget and well a vet is probably expensive....
    General Dog Discussions : What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated?...

    • What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated?

      What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is suddenly constipated, I guess he was eating whatever he found! HELP!...mabe a home remedy perhaps? I'm on a budget and well a vet is probably expensive.

      What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated?

      What do I do if my tiny dog is constipated? General Dog Discussions
    • Take him to your veterinary hospital to make sure he truly is constipated first..If so, they can possibly give him an enema and send home medication and a special diet for him to be on..Not all will do an enema as it depends on what the doctor decides and the severity too...But before you do anything, have a veterinarian check him over!

    • The reason I would recommend taking him to the vet is because if he was eating whatever he found as you said, he could possibly have a bowel obstruction. This is an emergency situation that requires surgery to remove intestinal blockage and save his intestines from dying off.How is your dog acting? Is he lethargic or experiencing loss of appetite? Is he in pain or showing signs of distress? These are all signs that it may be more serious than just constipation.If he is acting fine, being energetic, eating well and able to pass stool (even if the stool is hard and he seems to be straining to get it out), he may just be constipated. In this case, you would want to increase fluid/moisture in his diet. Mix canned food with his hard kibbles or add water to it. Also, keep clean, fresh water available at all times. I would also recommend switching to a high quality food easy to digest without all the byproducts, fillers and harmful chemical preservatives. Wellness kibbles and canned food are very good quality. This will help prevent future digestive problems like constipation.