dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom?

my dog got a puncture wound from a stick he ran into on the inside of his back leg. the vet cleaned and gave him pain medicine. that was around 4pm. it's 3:30am now and he hasn't gone to the bathroom since about 3pm. the vet told me leash walk him in the…

    dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom?

    my dog got a puncture wound from a stick he ran into on the inside of his back leg. the vet cleaned and gave him pain medicine. that was around 4pm. it's 3:30am now and he hasn't gone to the bathroom since about 3pm. the vet told me leash walk him in the…...
    General Dog Discussions : dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom?...

    • dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom?

      dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom? General Dog Discussions
      my dog got a puncture wound from a stick he ran into on the inside of his back leg. the vet cleaned and gave him pain medicine. that was around 4pm. it's 3:30am now and he hasn't gone to the bathroom since about 3pm. the vet told me leash walk him in the yard for the bathroom and i have tried but he won't go. he ate his food he didn't drink water though but his food had water in it.what should i do? i purposely waited till 3am to take him out next because he didn't go around 11 pm when i tried. i'll keep trying but i mean what should i do?? i know it hurts him to move his back leg even though he has pain meds it still hurts because he limps bad.

      dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom?

      dog with puncture wound not going to bathroom? General Dog Discussions
    • Leave him. I've had a b itch hold for 22 hours (and I was almost on my way to find a vet to catheterise her!!) before she finally decided she had to go (we were away from home overnight). I'd suggest you maybe leave some newspaper down where he's sleeping and leave him to rest rather than walking him around all the time. My bet is once he's had a good sleep (and you too!) he'll pee. As long as he's eating and has the ability to get to his water bowl if he needs it, he's going to be far better left to recover. Poor boy.

    • The pain meds could have made him drowsy and nauseated let him recover tonight, If he still has problems tomorrow call you vet, If you have ever been nauseated you don't want to eat or drink either.

    • If he was fine before the injury, there probably isn't any problem, but if he hasn't peed within the next 6 to 8 hours I would contact the vet again.Did the vet give you any instructions for cleaning the wound? Were you given an antibiotic?Puncture wounds are the ones most prone to infection so if you weren't given an antibiotic keep a good look on that wound and report any swelling or redness either around the opening or above or below it.