Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea?

I have a miniature dachshund, and he's been diagnosed with tracheal collapse. We're not sure how he got it; the vet didn't say. Just so you know, he is on medication for it so he's not in pain. I was just wondering from your experience how long a dog…

    Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea?

    I have a miniature dachshund, and he's been diagnosed with tracheal collapse. We're not sure how he got it; the vet didn't say. Just so you know, he is on medication for it so he's not in pain. I was just wondering from your experience how long a dog…...
    General Dog Discussions : Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea?...

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    • Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea?

      Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea? General Dog Discussions
      I have a miniature dachshund, and he's been diagnosed with tracheal collapse. We're not sure how he got it; the vet didn't say. Just so you know, he is on medication for it so he's not in pain. I was just wondering from your experience how long a dog with tracheal collapse lives for? He just turned three, so how much longer can we expect to have him?And if we ever find out he's in pain, we'll put him down. :'(That makes me so happy! Thanks guys(:

      Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea?

      Life expectancy of a dog with a collapsed trachea? General Dog Discussions
    • Collapsed trachea's are VERY common in small dogs, or dogs with pushed in faces.3 is young for that but really there is no expiration date on your pup. Just avoid collars on leashes and get a harness instead to avoid pressure on the throat. Avoid extreme exercise, and if you bring your dog to the groomers say NO kennel dryers since they can take their breath away.You will know if your dog is in pain or not, and its really hard to say. Some live a full life while others do not. Like I said there is no expiration date.

    • It depends on how severe the tracheal damage is now. This may be a congenital defect. If he has episodes of not being able to move air past the collapse, then he should be euthanised. Suffocating in the living room is a bad way to go.

    • do some research on the net:collapsing trachea is treatable,i saw a procedure for a small yorkie:the Dr(vet) had a stent put inside the trachea to stop it from collapsing(this case was very severe)dogs with mild tracheal collapse can live long.make sure,you use a harness for the dog and NO collars.

    • Collapsing trachea occurs most commonly in smaller breeds that are overweight or less active. It occurs due to a weakness in the trachea allowing the sides to touch as the dog is breathing or panting, which triggers as coughing reflex to get rid of whatever is there. Similar reflex occurs in humans when we "swallow" something wrong. Unfortunately the coughing can cause the sides to touch keeping the coughing spell to continue for awhile. Some have it so severe that they need a tracheal hole put in. Only saw 2 dogs like this - 1 lived into well into its teens. One of my poodles had it and she lived to be 12 before she was euthanized for unrelated heart issues. As to how long a dog can live with the collapsing trachea depends on the severity of the condition, if very severe are the owners willing to do the trach hole surgery, do the medications help control the issue, etc.

    • Well Chihuahuas can live to be 20 or more and many of them have a collapsing trachea. They just do a few revers-sneezes and it's open again. In extreme cases, surgery is an option but it's a pretty common issue with smaller breeds. all of mine have it.

    • My Maltese had a collapsed trachea since she was a puppy. Sounded a lot worse that it really was. If it is extreme - there are surgical options. Does not, as far as I know, cause any pain. Just a little anxiety on both the dog and you. During the episode - keep him quiet. Don't panic so he senses that and panics too. He'll work it out. At least - that's how my dog was.By the way, my Maltese, Savannah, died last year. From a brain tumor. She was 16-1/2. About 1-1/2 to 2 years long than the average life expectancy. She also lived a year after the diagnosis. The collapsed trachea she had forever had nothing whatsover to do with her illness and ultimate death.