My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do?

Found him with a bloody mouth last night, and watched him clean is mouth and hands. I saw his mouth and both his top teeth and sticking outward instead of downward. Should I just wait til it heals, because I heard that vets cant and wont really do much…

    My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do?

    Found him with a bloody mouth last night, and watched him clean is mouth and hands. I saw his mouth and both his top teeth and sticking outward instead of downward. Should I just wait til it heals, because I heard that vets cant and wont really do much…...
    General Dog Discussions : My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do?...

    • My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do?

      My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do? General Dog Discussions
      Found him with a bloody mouth last night, and watched him clean is mouth and hands. I saw his mouth and both his top teeth and sticking outward instead of downward. Should I just wait til it heals, because I heard that vets cant and wont really do much for him. I mean, I know i have to give him special food from now on.

      My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do?

      My hamster chewed on his cage too hard and bent is teeth up. WHat do I do? General Dog Discussions
    • If they're facing a different direction than normal, he could have broken them off at the gums, but the gum tissue is still holding them there. The good news is that because they constantly grow, they will grow out, but he should go to an exotics vet where they can trim the teeth and/or remove them for you. And, soft-type foods until he has teeth to chew with. Good luck!

    • Oooh-that poor baby-I bet his teeth really hurt right now :(I would take him to the vet for a check up,just to make sure there are no broken teeth or damage to the gums...and in the meantime,supplement his diet with softer foods until the pain stops.Mine got her teeth stuck in the bars and we had a really hard time getting her loose without hurting her.We gave her cottage cheese curds,skinless chicken,yogurt,applesauce,hard boiled eggs,bananas and oatmeal for the first day or so.Within 48 hours her choppers were fine and she was again munching on her normal pellets.Just an FYI-once he is better,offer him a hard dog biscuit to chew on.This will give him something to do as well as keep his teeth from becoming overgrown.