My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom?

I have given her the infant gas drops 3 times now and it has not relieved any of the issues. Do you have any other advice as to what I can do to help her out?

    My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom?

    I have given her the infant gas drops 3 times now and it has not relieved any of the issues. Do you have any other advice as to what I can do to help her out?...
    General Dog Discussions : My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom?...

    • My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom?

      My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
      I have given her the infant gas drops 3 times now and it has not relieved any of the issues. Do you have any other advice as to what I can do to help her out?

      My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom?

      My Chihuahua is 10 years old and 5LBS she has painful gas and will not eat or use the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
    • First of all STOP giving her Gas Drops. They are not meant for dogs and you may be making her situation worse. Never give your Chihuahua any kind of medication unless you speak directly to your vet first and the vet tells you what medication is safe to give and what the safe dosage is for your Chihuahuas weight. If you give your Chi the wrong medication or the wrong dosage, you could end up killing her. You can't treat a problem until you know what that problem is. The only one who can tell you that is a vet. You need to get her in, find out what's going on and the vet will give you the most effective medication or whatever treatment the vet feels is necessary to treat your Chihuahuas problem. I'm sure she is very uncomfortable and in pain. Emergency Vets are open 24/7, 365 days a year including Holidays. Look in your Yellow Pages under Veterinarians and get her in Today. Do not wait!