How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"?

My dog had puppies this week. She is lactating, but milk will not come out of two nipples. I know there is milk in there, but it seems like her nipples are "stopped up". I need tips about how to get them flowing.

    How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"?

    My dog had puppies this week. She is lactating, but milk will not come out of two nipples. I know there is milk in there, but it seems like her nipples are "stopped up". I need tips about how to get them flowing....
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"?...

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    • How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"?

      How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"? General Dog Discussions
      My dog had puppies this week. She is lactating, but milk will not come out of two nipples. I know there is milk in there, but it seems like her nipples are "stopped up". I need tips about how to get them flowing.

      How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"?

      How do I get my dog's nipples to "work"? General Dog Discussions
    • I swear, we are puppy mills now lol. So all that breed are evil, and everyone should spay and neuter so after about 14-15 years there will no longer be any dogs to be mans best friend? Well, everyone starts out somewhere, so for those who judge without knowing, well hello and good day to you ;) Actually, my German Shepherd is due this coming weekend and with every litter, her top two nipples closest to her head are more pacifiers then actual feeders. They give little drops out rather then an actual flow. This can be very normal, so if this is the way your female is no worries. I asked our vet about this myself, and although he used different words that is basically what I got out from it, but he said there was no cause for concern. Good luck on your puppies!