Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine?

Ok it was her third vaccine, today she has had three episodes of diarrhea, not pure liquid but loose. No mucous, no blood. She is still active and drinking, not eating as much. She had the shot yesterday. I called the vet and they said sometimes it…

    Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine?

    Ok it was her third vaccine, today she has had three episodes of diarrhea, not pure liquid but loose. No mucous, no blood. She is still active and drinking, not eating as much. She had the shot yesterday. I called the vet and they said sometimes it…...
    General Dog Discussions : Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine?...

    • Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine?

      Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine? General Dog Discussions
      Ok it was her third vaccine, today she has had three episodes of diarrhea, not pure liquid but loose. No mucous, no blood. She is still active and drinking, not eating as much. She had the shot yesterday. I called the vet and they said sometimes it happens. She is a bulldog and the love of our lives. Has anyone had this happen as well, what was the outcome.

      Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine?

      Diarrhea in a 12 week old puppy after DHPP vaccine? General Dog Discussions
    • My dog has had some adverse reactions after vaccinations.Between the stresses of going to the vet and having the vaccs introduced it's not uncommon.If your dog is not back to normal in a day or two I would keep a closer eye on her and get her back in if there is no improvement.I wouldn't worry too much though.I've had no long term ill effects here.