My 10 week old puppy has hives?!?

He hasnt eaten anything different today. He isnt itching or anything but i noticed two spots earlier which i though was a mosquito bite now he has many more bumps. I think its from him being outside he gets into the garden and chews everything. What can…

    My 10 week old puppy has hives?!?

    He hasnt eaten anything different today. He isnt itching or anything but i noticed two spots earlier which i though was a mosquito bite now he has many more bumps. I think its from him being outside he gets into the garden and chews everything. What can…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 10 week old puppy has hives?!?...

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    • My 10 week old puppy has hives?!?

      My 10 week old puppy has hives?!? General Dog Discussions
      He hasnt eaten anything different today. He isnt itching or anything but i noticed two spots earlier which i though was a mosquito bite now he has many more bumps. I think its from him being outside he gets into the garden and chews everything. What can i do besides seeing the vet at this point? Im trying to avoid a emergency vet bill if i can.

      My 10 week old puppy has hives?!?

      My 10 week old puppy has hives?!? General Dog Discussions
    • Call your vet and see if they have a regular appointment available! It could go away on it's own BUT dog's can have severe allergic reactions to almost anything and sometimes hives is just the start of it, best to get him in, better safe than sorry.

    • I understand that you are reluctant to see your vet, but this is a type of allergic reaction and it would be unethical and illegal for anyone to suggest treatment for a condition that they have not evaluated themselves and diagnosed. It could be hives, it could be pyoderma, it could be a staph infection, it could be from eating a bug or being stung or a vaccination or anything, and its possible that it could get a lot worse and the dog actually develp swelling in its throat and be unable to breathe. Thus, we cannot help you. I do encourage you to call your vets emergency number and see what can be done that way. Its not a good idea to just watch this and do nothing. Good luck.

    • i know you probably don't want to hear this but take him to the emergency vet NOW it sounds like he might have eaten a poisonous plant or some plant fertilizer and the rash is from that the sooner you take her the less serious it will be