Will this hurt my puppy?

My brother had the great idea to put axe body spray on my dogs feet because she stepped in pee and they smelled. She licked very little of it and it happened about an 1 hour ago. I rinsed off her paws so she couldn't lick anymore off. Should she be ok.…

    Will this hurt my puppy?

    My brother had the great idea to put axe body spray on my dogs feet because she stepped in pee and they smelled. She licked very little of it and it happened about an 1 hour ago. I rinsed off her paws so she couldn't lick anymore off. Should she be ok.…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will this hurt my puppy?...

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    • Will this hurt my puppy?

      Will this hurt my puppy? General Dog Discussions
      My brother had the great idea to put axe body spray on my dogs feet because she stepped in pee and they smelled. She licked very little of it and it happened about an 1 hour ago. I rinsed off her paws so she couldn't lick anymore off. Should she be ok. If it helps she is 9 weeks and 11 pounds.Omg I was being sarcastic. I would never approve of putting a bodyspray made for human on a dog. He did it when I was out of my room.

      Will this hurt my puppy?

      Will this hurt my puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't spray axe on your dog wtf?!?!? Use puppy shampoo and gently wash his paws-- towel-dry them afterward. Then give him laxatives and a clean place to go potty in case he swallowed a dangerous amount-- and be sure he has lots of water. Keep a close eye on him and if he shows any signs of being sick take him to the vet. If he doesn't show signs of getting sick in a few weeks he should be okay but still keep a close watch on him. Don't let your brother near him!!

    • She should be fine. She may develop a skin rash due to being sprayed with something she shouldn't have, but that is going to be the extent of it. If her paws appear extremely red or swollen, or have itchy hives on them, I would see a vet about it. Next time, no sprays! :)