My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!?

Please help, tonight is the second night my dog has broke out in crazy amount of hives all over her body, it happened between 12am-1am, lasting about an hour, and it doesn't happen during the day. I originally thought it was her food so i changed it to…

    My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!?

    Please help, tonight is the second night my dog has broke out in crazy amount of hives all over her body, it happened between 12am-1am, lasting about an hour, and it doesn't happen during the day. I originally thought it was her food so i changed it to…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!?...

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    • My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!?

      My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!? General Dog Discussions
      Please help, tonight is the second night my dog has broke out in crazy amount of hives all over her body, it happened between 12am-1am, lasting about an hour, and it doesn't happen during the day. I originally thought it was her food so i changed it to a different brand this morning. I super cleaned her food and water bowls, giving her fresh water. She went all day without breaking out with these bumps. I have NO idea what so ever what this could be. We have changed absolutely nothing in our home. No new detergents for our laundry, carpet, no new cleaners, solvents, cologne, perfume, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, nothing has changed, no new foods in our home etc. I have a cat that i have had since my dog was a puppy, the cats fine and the dog has never had any problems like this are the pictures of the "hives"[Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:]like i earlier posted, she it just happens all at once and lasts about an hour. i did make a vet appointment today, but they say they cant even fit her in until fridayabsolutely nothing has changed in my household, i have gone over it many many times and cant think of one thing that has been done i got my dog into the vet today, and didnt have to wait until friday, he gave her an allergy shot, and i have to taker her back in a week for a booster shot. he said not to be alarmed if she breaks out one or two more times, and if she does give her 18mg of benadryl, the kind with diphenhydramine hci, NOT loratadine

      My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!?

      My dog is breaking out in hives! Pictures included! HELP!!!!!? General Dog Discussions
    • Oh my gosh..poor thingIt does look like she is having a major allergic reaction to something.She should see a vet as soon as you can get her in.What kind of food does she eat?Has she maybe gotten into anything?Does she eat anything else besides her dog food?It could be anything. You don't normally have to change anything. Her immune system can form an allergic reaction on its own. What is she doing normally before these hives break out suddenly?You CAN try giving her Childrens Benedryl to help. But should definitely get her into a vet asap.

    • Those are very very bad hives. I agree with the top poster, she needs to see a vet ASAP! You might give her some benadryl on the way over to help reduce the allergic reaction, but it looks like a really bad allergic reaction and it could easily close her airways. Get going!

    • you should consider takeing the dog intoo the vet. if the hives keep reappearing then you should deffentally take the dog into the vet. fleas and ticks could also cause this problem

    • yes a vet would be a good idea.. is she having any other symptoms? trouble breathing, wheezing, ect....I think you can give dogs benedryl. but I would take her into a vet for sure.....they can prescribe her an antihistamine or figure out what the heck is going on

    • This is a severe reaction to something. If you can't get your dog to a vet tonight, do you have benedryl in the house? If you don't, you need to get your hands on some right now. 1 mg per 1 pound of dog so our 65 pound dog gets two 25 mg tablets for a total of 50 mgs. you have oatmeal in the house, google a recipe for making your own homemade oatmeal shampoo to soothe the skin. Place a call to your vet in the morning. This year is one of the worst pollen years. We're in California so we don't have seasons. Our pits get year round allergy. It stinks. For an outbreak this severe, I would treat with benedryl tonight and get a prescription for steroids in the morning. Steriods for 7 days straight in addition to the benedryl is usually what it takes when one of our dogs is THIS severe. Since this is a second outbreak, it will likely be the same for you. Your vet will be able to advise you without even testing her. It shouldn't be an expensive vet visit.ETA: What is she doing before you notice these? Is she outside for a bit and then breaks out a short time later when she comes in?

    • Yikes! That is weird. You need to take the dog, with the pictures to the vet tomorrow as soon as you can get her in. That is NOT normal. It sounds like you are really trying to figure out what it is. Anything outside different? Maybe even a new plant blooming? I wonder why it goes away and comes back every night. That is the weirdest part for me.Good luck. I really hope that the source of the problem becomes apparent soon.**Saw your add...If he can't get in until Friday, call in the morning, let them know it happened again. If they STILL can't get you in ask what you can give her in the meantime. Benadryl is safe...but double check the dosage. Tomorrow watch him very closely. Note down anything he does. If the hives break are breaking out at the same time. Keep an extra close watch during that time. There has to be SOMETHING he is getting into or doing. Poor pup!

    • As others have said take your dog to a vet asap. No time to delay. If the vet say they can't see you tell them it's an emergency, scream down the phone if you have to. If that fails take your dog to another vet. It looks serious but then I'm not a vet - looks like a serious allergic reaction but it may be something else. Simple fact is you have to get your dog to a vet.