would this work out fine?

please give me answers! ok, so im being completely honest here. dont give one word answers. im 11 year old girl who wants a dochshund puppy named dot for christmas. I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. the puppy i want is 5 weeks old, and looks still a little woozy…

    would this work out fine?

    please give me answers! ok, so im being completely honest here. dont give one word answers. im 11 year old girl who wants a dochshund puppy named dot for christmas. I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. the puppy i want is 5 weeks old, and looks still a little woozy…...
    General Dog Discussions : would this work out fine?...

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    • would this work out fine?

      would this work out fine? General Dog Discussions
      please give me answers! ok, so im being completely honest here. dont give one word answers. im 11 year old girl who wants a dochshund puppy named dot for christmas. I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. the puppy i want is 5 weeks old, and looks still a little woozy from being born and all. Heres my plan to keep it safe before it can defend itself from my other animals:what i wll do is i will put a cage in my room with a bed, food, water, and a cat litter box thing, plus a few toys. He will be kept in this cage for awhile during the day. heres a scheduele i have planned for the dog-1. at 12 am m going to take him outside to go potty and then inside to drink milk out of a bottle. then i will stick him back in the cage.2. in the morning, i will take him back outside to go to the bathroom and then give him more milk out of the bottle, and bring 1 cat in to socialize in the room, or at least so the dog gets used to the cats. the dogs come later, and they are only being put together in a room, not a cage. they will socialize for 5-8 minutes, then i will let the cat out of the room and feed my puppy a mix of wet and dry food.3. when i go off to school, i stick him in the cage for till i come back and leave him with food, water, and a place to go potty. will he start to bark????4. when i get back to school, i will let him out again so he can get used to going outside and not in a litter box. i will give him a little bit more milk (about 1/4 cup each time, is that good enough or to much?) and then do my hw in my room so he can either rome the room or cuddle with me.5. once i finish my hw, then is the time he gets to really get out. when i finish my home work (hw) i will bring him downstairs to go outside, then he gets to rome the house with me fallowing him. when my 2 dogs want to say hi and stuff, i will pick up the puppy, bend down on my knees, and let thim sniff and lick and such. when i go of to dinner, i will stick the puppy back in his cage for the 30 min that i eat.6. for the remaining time when i eat desert and watch tv on the couch and relax, i will bring him out of my cage and snuggle and play with him.7. once again, before i go to bed i will let hiim out, refill is food bowl and go to sleep, then repeat the cycle again.OK, so please please plase tell me if this is a good plan, if there is to much of one thing and not enough of the other, and if any of this will make him bark, pee, chew, anything. for one of his toys, im getting him a rope bone which i hear is good for puppys to teeth on before they stop chewing. also, this puppy comes with all his shots and stuff, and i told my parents i would pay the vet bills. if all goes well and he doesnt get sick alot, then are these expensive? THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH AND I REALLY WILL LOVE YOU IF YOU GIVE ME AND ANSWER!!!!!!!!!THANKS!!!!!

      would this work out fine?

      would this work out fine? General Dog Discussions
    • I think it's a wonderful plan you worked out. One of the important things to learn in life, you may learn here. That is to be flexible in your plans,i.e. when things don't go as you think they will, always be ready to review your plan and modify it to match unanticipated outcomes.I thought recent wisdom said dogs shouldn't leave their mothers until eight weeks. That would surely make your plan and necessary actions easier if you waited those three additional weeks. I also wonder if you don't already have more than enough pets. Only you and your parents can answer that, I guess.Vet bills can be very expensive. You want to be absolutely sure you get him neutered which isn't cheap, but absolutely should be done. You'll get some of your money back when you get him a city/county license. Neutered dogs are a LOT cheaper.I hope my answer is helpful. You know what, I really love you for being young and eager and willing to think things out and do the best for animals. I pray you have a wonderful life. You seem to me to deserve it and I truly do love you just because of how you seem to be. It's not the kind of love that has to "mean" anything, just that I wish you well.

    • Dogs need to go for a proper walk everyday and have proper exercise. No dog would be happy to be trapped in a cage all day long and they do not drink milk. An 11 year old can afford to pay for all vets bills-first there's the yearly vaccinations and then worming tablets. Also dachshunds are prone to hip dysplasia which can need operations that can cost thousands of pounds-therefore insurance is also needed.....and there are other things that can happen. Of course the dog will bark if it's in a cage all day...and it will probably end up with destructive behaviour too because it will be bored and it will chew every object in sight.They also need lots of training. Dogs should not be given for Christmas-this is why so many end up in rescue centres.Get a dog when you are older and can care for it properly.

    • Puppies will bark, pee, and chew, regardless of the schedule. Especially a puppy so young.How are you going to pay for the vet bills, being 11 years old? Five week old puppies are going to need more shots, de-worming, flea and heartworm prevention medication, they're going to need to be fixed in several months. Just those things will run you several hundred dollars, and all of that is just routine, that's not even considering the fact that the pup could get sick or need any extra care.Puppy formula is expensive also, and you can't just feed her cow's milk.Just make sure you consider all possibilities and figure out how you're possibly going to pay for all of that before you bring the pup home. They are a lifetime commitment, you will be paying for the dog for probably 15 years, annual vet visits and shots and flea medication and spaying, licensing, there are lots of things to consider.Good luck :o)

    • Isn't 4 cats and 2 dogs enough to keep you busy? They need a lot of attention, and if you have school all day, and then Homework, have to walk the dogs, feed them, play with them, I don't think there will be enough hours for you to add another pet. Puppies cannot drink regular milk, you have to spend money on special formula, their system tolerates goats milk, the one in the can is very expensive, but they have it powder that you mix with water. 5 weeks is too young for him to be separated from his Mom, since you are wanting him for Christmas, does that mean he will be with Mom another 4 weeks? At 8 weeks you can mix a little bit of dry food with warm water so that it's easier for him to eat. Are you adopting the puppy? I think you are very caring towards animals, just make sure your Parents are there to help like when you go to slumber parties, or away for the weekend with your friends.

    • I agree that the pup should stay with her mother until she's eight weeks old - Dachshunds have enough behavior issues as it is without also losing this important time learning dog skills from their families.Cow's milk is not good for puppies and will give her diarrhea. Even at five weeks a pup can eat solid food - wet food will probably be easier to eat at first.I'm glad you're doing your research first though!There are a lot of articles on puppies on the ASPCA's virtual pet behaviorist websitehttp://www.aspcabehavior.org/search.aspx?petCat=1&mode=all&sort=title&dir=ASCand my favorite puppy books are by Dr. Ian Dunbar - some of them are available free online now:http://www.dogstardaily.com/free-downloadsHe talks about setting up a confinement area with an exercise pen rather than teaching your puppy it's OK to pee and poop in a crate. Here's a picture of a good puppy confinement area: http://www.silverpawkennels.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/0113091130.jpg