Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?

So we had the puppy spayed Wednesday. She is an Italian Greyhound, and is mostly white with a bit of fawn, but her belly is basically hair free. I checked out her incision yesterday, and when the vet sewed her up, he did not align the dogs nipples back…

    Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?

    So we had the puppy spayed Wednesday. She is an Italian Greyhound, and is mostly white with a bit of fawn, but her belly is basically hair free. I checked out her incision yesterday, and when the vet sewed her up, he did not align the dogs nipples back…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?...

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    • Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?

      Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog? General Dog Discussions
      So we had the puppy spayed Wednesday. She is an Italian Greyhound, and is mostly white with a bit of fawn, but her belly is basically hair free. I checked out her incision yesterday, and when the vet sewed her up, he did not align the dogs nipples back up. Now, her poor chest looks like a dot to dot with nipples everywhere. I know if it were me, I would feel sad having to go through my life with lopsided nipples, so I feel as though I need to avenge the dog. She is only 6 months old, so she has to live her whole life disfigured in this way.What should I do?

      Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?

      Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • i think your case would be thrown out to be honest, if you take them to court, they are going to say that the vet did their joband then the vet will plead that there was no other way to sew up the dog correctlyshe wont be using her nipples now that she is spayed.but idk pics would help to see HOW disfigured the dog is

    • i dont think she will care to be honest.... i mean if your dog had been hurt or god forbid killed then of course you would sue... something so small it would be a waste in my opinion... i mean you had her spayed bc you didnt want to breed her so she wont be using them anyway...

    • Well, This situation really does stink for you. I too would be upset if my dog returned that way. However, dogs do not have the feelings that we do and I doubt that the dog even realizes that there is even an issue. With that said, It is only cosmetic! Your dog has not changed (other than the obvious physical alterations) She's still going to be the same dog that loved. If you like your vet, I would not bring it up. However, if your vet continuously lacks attention to detail, I would suggest finding a new vet.

    • Ya, quit being so superficial. It isn't like people are going to be looking at her niples. That would be wierd. However, if you were unsatisfied with the results you have the right to find another vet.

    • What a ridiculous question. Surely you don't think the dog will give a rats whether or not her nipples are aligned. She is not disfigured.Sue? I don't think so. You would be laughed out of court.

    • You don't need to avenge your dog. Dogs don't care about what they look like & as long as this doesn't affect her quality of life or health in any way I wouldn't bother to think of legal action. With that being said, I'd speak to your current Vet about why this happened & make a decision from there to sick with them or find a different Vet.

    • I would definitely sue for the cost of nipple augmentation, maybe even enhancements.Greyhounds are very social and self conscience breed.The poor little girlMy heart is breaking just thinking how her self esteem must be suffering each time she licks herself

    • For sure, your dog's future sex life has been ruined. What dog would want her now? I mean really, it sounds disgusting. Sue the hell out of the vet, and if that doesn't make you feel better, move his nipples around.

    • I just love people who want to sue at the drop of a hat.Obviously, you haven't paid a lawyer for any work in your lifetime.Yeah, go ahead and sue. When you get the bill don't blame us.Besides, I'd wait until she's healed. Who's going to turn your dog upside down and look anyhow except you?Have you considered presenting the problem to your Vet? and having a second surgery to get them all lined up again? You also haven't had one surgery over the top of another in your lifetimeI wish people would do some thinking before racing out the door to sue anyone. Anyhow, once you do it , you will reconsider the second time around.

    • 1) Hes a vet, not a plastic surgeon2) Nobody is going to be staring at your dogs nipples 3) The dog doesnt care.Why would you clog up an already overloaded court system with something so frivolous?

    • I can't imagine that the incision would have been large enough to have caused that. Are you sure they lined up to begin with? maybe it was just the way the dog was to begin with. You could try calling your vet and just asking about it. Thats the first thing I would do. It could clear up a misunderstanding. The vet may be able to explain what is going on.

    • Italian Greyhounds don't have a lot of extra skin to begin with, so surgeries are a little riskier, and there is very little room for error. The fact that the nipples don't line up isn't that bad when you consider how tight the dog's skin is to begin with.If you feel it's that bad, you can always change vets, but if she's healthy and the spay was successful, I don't believe you will have much of a case in court. I wouldn't think there was intent to disfigure your dog, unless the scar does indeed go up to her chest (it should be behind the rib cage, between the back legs!)You can always keep her in sweaters and doggie pants or skirts ;)

    • This is not a big issue. The dog does not give a ratsazz about it's nipples being all over the place! You're putting human emotions into her. Gee, my dog got spayed few months back & now she's got a horrible looking scar on her tummy but does she give a damn? Neh! Do I give a damn? Hell no! It's a small thing. Nobody is going to be staring & checking her nipples, measuring the distance between each of them & all that...Relax. You should be glad that she made it through with no complications at all.