Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?

So we had the puppy spayed Wednesday. She is an Italian Greyhound, and is mostly white with a bit of fawn, but her belly is basically hair free. I checked out her incision yesterday, and when the vet sewed her up, he did not align the dogs nipples back…

    Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?

    So we had the puppy spayed Wednesday. She is an Italian Greyhound, and is mostly white with a bit of fawn, but her belly is basically hair free. I checked out her incision yesterday, and when the vet sewed her up, he did not align the dogs nipples back…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I sue the vet that spayed my dog?...

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    • I don't believe that you really have much of a case to sue your vet. Most judges would just throw the case out because your dog is not physically damaged, where it would affect her life in any way. I know we want our dogs to be perfect, but nobody will really notice the nipples after the incision heals. Also, your dog will never use her nipples, so what you are talking about is a minor cosmetic issue.The best thing to do is to wait a few weeks and see that once the incision has healed and the swelling has gone down, maybe your dog's nipple area won't look as bad.Also, your dog really won't care if her nipples are lopsided. All she cares about is your love for her. She's still a beautiful dog and you will still love and care for her. I know it's upsetting when we have a procedure performed on our dogs, and it does not end up the way we thought it would, because we expect our dogs to be perfect. Our dogs are like members of the family. Accept and love her as she is, because she's still a beautiful and great dog. Best of luck with your dog. Hope I helped.

    • I don't think this is an issue to get upset about. There are several reasons:#1) Vets are not required to re-align the dog's nipples after a spay. As far as the closure is concerned, they just need to make sure it heals well.#2) It's almost impossible to really make the nipples crooked without having huge "pleats" of skin. Since you haven't mentioned those (they'd be really big and ugly), then if there is any mis-alignment it's only a milimeter or so.#3) Mis-aligned nipples don't affect your dog's quality of life. She won't care. And since she's small, I think it's highly unlikely that anyone else will notice.#4) Dogs are not necessarily born with their nipples lining up perfectly. So even if there is an asymmetry, it may have been just as bad before the surgery.But if you really, really think it's important, you need to take her to another vet and get a second opinion on how well her incision was closed. If the second vet thinks that something was done improperly, then you may be able to get the first vet to compensate you in some way. Always ask first, before resorting to the court system - you often will get results and it will be much faster and easier. However, there is no way a lawsuit would ever be successful unless you had a second vet willing to testify that the first closure was improper.And IF there is a serious misalignment, it might be correctable with some simple plastic surgery later on.

    • The incision is not that big so its only one maybe two nipples off. And there not that off. Who cares? She's not going to be using them anyways. and They are also not developed so they are also small and not easily seen unless someone gets close and is looking and if that happens they have issues.

    • Your dog has no concept of body image, so as long as the incision is healing with no sign of infection she would be comfortable, pain free & that would be all that matters to her.If the damage is purely cosmetic, why waste the money on litigation when the only guaranteed winner would be the lawyer?

    • lol! that's hilarious!be thankful that was all that happened. the first time my dog went into heat her uterus started protruding so it was going to take a simple surgery to fix it. well after we left her at the vet my dog took a bite out of her uterus and they had to do emergency surgery, removing part of her uterus and spaying her. -we were going to breed her.