Responsible Dog Breeders and Pet Owners - how do YOU prevent your dogs from unintended pregnancies?

I've owned intact dogs for 25+ years without an unintended pregnancy.... simply by keeping them separated when b*tches are in season (not rocket science is it?).How do you prevent unintended pregnancies?spay/neutership the dog to a kennel when the b*tch…

    Responsible Dog Breeders and Pet Owners - how do YOU prevent your dogs from unintended pregnancies?

    I've owned intact dogs for 25+ years without an unintended pregnancy.... simply by keeping them separated when b*tches are in season (not rocket science is it?).How do you prevent unintended pregnancies?spay/neutership the dog to a kennel when the b*tch…...
    General Dog Discussions : Responsible Dog Breeders and Pet Owners - how do YOU prevent your dogs from unintended pregnancies?...

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    • Easy: Girls kenneled at the opposite end of the yard from the boys. When they are out exercising, we're watching them, and they are separated from the kenneled boys by 2 doors.I do generally spay my b*tches after they hit a certain age (7-8 years, if they've had a show/breeding career, 3-4 years if they haven't)...that's primarily because b*tches in season are a PITA, and there is no point encouraging pyometra.Boys stay intact, unless I feel like their testicles are causing too much trouble.

    • My last 2 dogs were spayed females, both rescues. Both of my current dogs are intact, I show in conformation with both of them.My female stays with me for the first week and gets send to my friends home for the rest of the heat. She's the breeder of my male and currently has all females dogs and 1 neutered male rescue, so no chance of an "oopsie" happening there.

    • My current dogs are both fixed as we got them from a rescue, but I owned 2 male dogs in the past (not at the same time), that were intact. I have a VERY large dog kennel with 6 foot chain link fencing inside a fenced yard. My dogs were never put in a position where an unwanted mating could occur. Like you said, it's not rocket science, just common sense.

    • Keep my b**** away from other dogs when in season, not that hard to do!I keep her intact because intact female dogs have fewer skeletal issues and we compete heavily in agility. I'll probably spay her around 6 years to reduce the possibility of pyometra.

    • My dog was spayed when I got her, but even if I had gotten an unspayed dog I would've spayed her. I am not knowledgeable enough to breed dogs, nor would I ever want to be (and I'm smart enough to know it).

    • Haha exactly what I was going to say. Our maltese is in season right now, and my Aussie is intact, we keep them in seperate rooms, how is that NOT simple & easy? lolWe've had several intact dogs here when she's been in season, 11 years and no accidents whatsoever, I don't see why people think it's so difficult..

    • I spay\neutered. I admire everyone who keeps intact dogs with no un-wanted pregnancies, but that it is possible - it IS. Actually, it's not that a puzzle. I know a guy who owns 5 intact dogs, b*tches and males, NEVER an unwanted pregnancy, EVER.I always spayed\neutered my dogs - damn, I don't want to take any risks.

    • Very easily! I keep her supervised when outside, she is never off-leash when out on walks, and keep her separated from any intact males that may come into my house. It's really that simple. What i get very confused/concerned about is that i, a 15 year old, can keep my dog from becoming pregnant when she's in heat but people much older than myself can't. Just shows that responsibility doesn't come with age!

    • When I had intact dogs, and I have had many both male and female. I would keep them in an escape proof yard. One that was also secure enough to keep any other dogs out. When the females were in season I would keep them in the house unless escorted outside. When I also had a male, I would keep them completely separated. I never had an unwanted pregnancy. Right now, both dogs are spuetered. I compete in performance and a female in heat cannot be trialed. Since I did not want to limit her trialing abilities, and she is not breeding quality anyway. I had her spayed. I also have a male who is neutered. He came that way, but I would have done it anyway. I just don't feel like the hassles of intact dogs at this point in time. Both dogs are house dogs and only go out escorted for safety reasons, but a male dog in the house at the same time as B***h in heat is just too much stress (all the crying, howling and moaning from the male trying to get to the female) for me at this point in my life.

    • Constant and secure separation.If they are driving me batty, I might ship the males off to a kennel for a bit. I would NEVER EVER board a b!tch in heat. (I have worked in many kennels, I know what kind of moron work there)When I worked at a breeding kennel, I always kept the two in separate buildings and never let them out at the same time even though there was a security fence between them.