Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous?

When my dog was a puppy he use to eat his own poop. Then he grew out of it. Today I caught him eating his poop again. He is 12 years old, and I haven't seen him do this in about 10 or 11 years, but I just saw him do this. Why would he start doing this…

    Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous?

    When my dog was a puppy he use to eat his own poop. Then he grew out of it. Today I caught him eating his poop again. He is 12 years old, and I haven't seen him do this in about 10 or 11 years, but I just saw him do this. Why would he start doing this…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous?...

    • Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous?

      Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous? General Dog Discussions
      When my dog was a puppy he use to eat his own poop. Then he grew out of it. Today I caught him eating his poop again. He is 12 years old, and I haven't seen him do this in about 10 or 11 years, but I just saw him do this. Why would he start doing this again all of a sudden? Maybe he was hungry, but he usually barks and knocks things over when he is hungry, not eats his own feces. Is it dangerous for him to be doing this? Is there a problem with my dog?

      Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous?

      Why would my dog start doing this again, and is it dangerous? General Dog Discussions
    • Every dog does it if it can.Nothing to do with hunger.Instinctual: wolves did it so other predators wouldn't know they were around.Only answer is to clean it up immediately or ignore it and give no kisses. LOL

    • its gross but some dogs do that...correct him when he does. you can also buy this powder stuff to put on his food that makes him not want eat his poop. its not dangerous but it will make him throw up.

    • he is probably hungry because i have a german shepherd that does that because he's hungry. we fed him more and he stopped. we also gave him chew toys to help him resist the urge to do that. i would think that the poop that he eats isn't dangerous because all you probably feed him is dog food and water which is good stuff and not toxic or anything. so if he poops out something not toxic or harmful from the first state it must be a-ok for him!-vanilla twilight

    • Because you haven't seen the behavior in years and because he is 12, it may be worth having him checked out by the vet. He may not be digesting his food as well as he used to. It's not dangerous for him to eat his own poop, just disgusting.