Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate?

I think my mom left half a chocolate bar on the table, and when we came home its was eaten! We suspect our pup ate it. How long will it be before he starts showing symtpoms? And is there anything I can do?

    Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate?

    I think my mom left half a chocolate bar on the table, and when we came home its was eaten! We suspect our pup ate it. How long will it be before he starts showing symtpoms? And is there anything I can do?...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate?...

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    • Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate?

      Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      I think my mom left half a chocolate bar on the table, and when we came home its was eaten! We suspect our pup ate it. How long will it be before he starts showing symtpoms? And is there anything I can do?

      Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate?

      Will my puppy be okay after possibly eating chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • it is the caffeine in the chocolate that is bad, not the chocolate itself, so he would have to eat a lot of chocolate to get a dangerous dose of caffeine. In general, chocolate is not a natural or healthy part of a dog's diet, but if he had just one chocolate bar, he will be just fine :)

    • He should be fine, however if he starts acting weird take him to the vet. The average chocolate bar shouldn't pose a massive risk, it's usually the expensive "real" chocolate that poses the greater health risk. Don't worry about it, I've known dogs who have eaten chocolate before and all of them lived to ripe old ages, or are still quite happily running around now. Just be more careful with where people leave food next time.

    • Call the vet, tell them the weight/age of your dog and the amount of chocolate. They should have a better idea.Without knowing the size of your dog no one on this board can tell you. A small amount is okay, and depending on the dog they will survive eating more. Better safe than sorry though and if the vet thinks it is too much they could treat your dog.It IS NOT true that only the caffeine in chocolate is harmful to dogs. Caffeine is harmful to dogs. Chocolate (the actual cocoa beans) are TOXIC to dogs.Other things your mom should never leave on the table: medicine, alcohol, onions, raisins, grapes, tomatoes...

    • I wouldn't worry about it depending on the size of the dog. If it's a Chihuahua, he might show some signs of toxicity, but a larger dog can tolerate some chocolate. It's baker's chocolate that has the highest mortality.

    • My roomates Italian greyhound ate a valentines box of chocolate once- Depending on the size of the dog, and how big the chocolate bar was, you can always induce vomiting by using a turkey baster with hydrogen peroxide and making themIngest it... It's not a pretty site, but that's what we did and she vomited up the chocolate and was back to herself, exceptfor a bit of hyperness after...

    • Probably as most candy bars these days do not contain much actual chocolate. It is the theobromine in chocolate that is toxic, not caffeine as chocolate contains very little caffeine. You can induce vomiting, but that will be useless if it was eaten a good while ago. Keep an eye on him, but he should be OK.

    • a small amount of chocolate should be fine. just dont feed him cheese. anything but cheese. it makes bad things happen. not that ive done it but ive known someone who has...bad images....uhgughguhiugfhguhughfgui...no...no NO!...make the images go away!...ill be good mommy...i promise...just make them go away!!!....

    • There are several reasons chocolate is a problem for dogs, and not all types of chocolate are equal. Dark or Baking chocolate is the worst kind for dogs, while Milk Chocolate is less toxic, and White Chocolate contains no Cocoa. Baking products contain varying amounts of Cocoa Powder so can be extremely heavy or not. Caffeine is not the only toxic chemical in chocolate, theobromine is actually the main culprit. Theobromine causes vomiting, racing heartbeat, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, diarrhea, and occasionally death. A secondary, though sometimes more important concern, is the fat. Many chocolate products are very fatty and may induce Acute Pancreatitis- a life threatening condition. This tends not to be a problem for puppies, but older dogs should be wary. Working at an emergency vet, we always had to induce vomiting in puppies that ate chocolate. Very popular at Christmas time. The way even the Vet determines the toxicity level, is with a table like the one on this link. Try this link for more info but be aware that you only have 4 hours before it is too late to make your puppy vomit anything. http://www.VeterinaryPartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=1762

    • My grandmother let her dog eat a little bit of chocolate. She said that it would have to be a lot in order for it to hurt the dog and she had a schnauzer(sp?). Based on all the other answers on here as well, your dog should be fine, just make sure it doesnt eat anymore.