how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb?

she is a 9 week chiwenie and itches but doesnt have fleas or mange it is allergies

    how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb?

    she is a 9 week chiwenie and itches but doesnt have fleas or mange it is allergies...
    General Dog Discussions : how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb?...

    • how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb?

      how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb? General Dog Discussions
      she is a 9 week chiwenie and itches but doesnt have fleas or mange it is allergies

      how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb?

      how to dose a puppy with benadryl that weighs 1.5 lb? General Dog Discussions
    • Did your vet diagnose allergies? The most common cause of allergies is food. Change the food, eliminate the allergies. As for the correct dose, that is a question for the vet. I know that I give my 56 lb dog one pill for her allergies. You should be able to do the math from that.

    • Don't give her that. No one here can prescribe meds for your dog here, either - it is illegal. If your dog has an allergy, it's important to find out what is causing it. COvering it up with drugs just makes things worse, and is a huge risk for a dog that tiny. If it is possibly a contact allergy from pollen, dust, mold, or anything else that could settle on her fur, rinse her every day in just-warm water to remove it. Breathing in the particles makes it worse, and they collect on her coat. If you just rinse it off, that's most of the battle right there. Vacuum your rugs often. COnsider a food allergy. Get her on a limited ingredient food, and get rid of everything else like rawhides and bully sticks, and any other edible treats. Top food allergens are beef,corn,chicken,wheat soy and dairy. If you can get her on something she isn't allergic to, that should stop the itching. Start here: The last thing you want to do is overdose your dog. SHe may be uncomfortable, but she's not fighting for her life. Go talk to your vet in the morning, but don't drug your dog, and NEVER take advice on what to prescribe for your dog over the internet.

    • This is for your vet to answer, not us. Benadryl will make your dog sleepy and lethargic, not to mention an overdose could make her very sick. Have the dog looked at by your vet - once he/she determines an allergy, he/she will take steps to find out what the allergen is and prescribe appropriately.