A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection?

I know the best thing to do is ask my vet, but I wanted your opinions and advice. I have been researching many different types of flea and tick controls and the best one so far is Revolution. Revolution- Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and American dog…

    A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection?

    I know the best thing to do is ask my vet, but I wanted your opinions and advice. I have been researching many different types of flea and tick controls and the best one so far is Revolution. Revolution- Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and American dog…...
    General Dog Discussions : A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection?...

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    • A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection?

      A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection? General Dog Discussions
      I know the best thing to do is ask my vet, but I wanted your opinions and advice. I have been researching many different types of flea and tick controls and the best one so far is Revolution. Revolution- Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and American dog tick. Prevents heartworm; controls ear mites. Controls sarcoptes mange and roundworms. Is this going to be enough prevention or will I need to get a specific heartworm treatment? Is it also a good idea to dip dogs in Adam's Pyrethrin Dip while on Revolution? or will it be to much? If you know of any better flea and tick control please tell. My puppy is only 8 weeks old so she is not old enough for dip right now anyway, I'm just researching for the future. Dakota my Australian Shepherd is already showing signs of being a very smart and loyal dog. If you have any advice and/or websites to help me out that would be greatly appreciated. also check out my last question...

      A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection?

      A flea and tick control that also prevents heartworms. Will my dog need more protection? General Dog Discussions
    • If you are using the revolution you shouldnt be using anything else. It covers everything all in one for a reason. So that you don't have to use a bunch of different things. Its the simplicity of it. I have not had any problem with it, I think that it is plenty to keep your pooch out of harms way.

    • my vet gave me a 3 month supply of heartguard, then switched me to revolution after that. if you are giving revolution for flea treatment i would not use any other flea treatments on your dog. you could ask your vet but I'm pretty sure they will say the same thing. seems how your dog is so young the revolution that prevents heart worms should be enough.

    • Hello...our pets are members of our family and we must give them the due they deserve by using the right products. I do not believe in overdosing my two pets with one product that does the lot. I give them a monthly heartworm prevention and separately I give them a flea and tick prevention two weeks after. My two pets are on a heartworm prevention called Nuheart which I gave found to be excellent and also well priced. I also have them on a product called DuoGard for flea and tick prevention which is not only well priced but very safe for your pet as unlike other stuff it is NOT a pesticide.I get both from www.nuheart.com If you let them know what kind of dogs you have and what they weigh I am sure thgey can assist you and save you the dollars as well.Take care