anesthetic overdose in dogs?

My dog recently had a c-section/spay. The vet gave her what appears too much propofol and both her and her pups were sedated way too much. i lost all the pups shortly after birth they had deprested appitie, seizures, constipation, diarriah, vomiting,…

    anesthetic overdose in dogs?

    My dog recently had a c-section/spay. The vet gave her what appears too much propofol and both her and her pups were sedated way too much. i lost all the pups shortly after birth they had deprested appitie, seizures, constipation, diarriah, vomiting,…...
    General Dog Discussions : anesthetic overdose in dogs?...

    • anesthetic overdose in dogs?

      anesthetic overdose in dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My dog recently had a c-section/spay. The vet gave her what appears too much propofol and both her and her pups were sedated way too much. i lost all the pups shortly after birth they had deprested appitie, seizures, constipation, diarriah, vomiting, excessive shedding, unresponsive for 36hrs, depression and high anxiety when she did come to. now kenya was diagnosed with a heart murmur that wasn't present 14days a go and no apprent cause. An ultra sound was preformed while she was under sedation yesterday to repair the incsion site b/c it was so badly infected dispite being on antibiotics and there is no sign of any damage and all is normal.Is there a website that will clearify things for me? Has anybody delt with this before?This was not an abortion. This is a planned litter that has been in the works for three years. The dog was spayed due to her age. I only breed my dog once or twice in their lifetime. This was a planned litter. A c-section was preformed b/c the male had one previous litter with c-section needed due to size of pups which caused some internal bleeding to the female he was bred to. My girl is a bullmastiff and notorious for having delivery problems and c-sections are a norm and not a rareity.just to clearify, c-sections are a norm for the breed and I han't ment to imply it was my dog I wa refering toI have filed a formal complaint here in Canada with the DVM. I am also going civil as this mistake cost me $15,000 in pups including the first in my own line. I had very sad clients when I informed them of the loss. One gent has waited for almost two years. I am researching the signs of overdose for a few reasons. The investigator is coming in a few days so i want to make sure i know what I am talking about and have all the facts. He isn't a vet so I need to know my stuff. He takes it all back to the board for review so its important.The heart murmur is almost non-noticible. The ultra sound found no abnormalities or valve problems. The murmur is only evident when she is under. She has been under three times prior with no detection of heart issues including the c-secton.I don't know what the dose was. The new vet said the dose looked right but there were many inconsistances in the records that indicate she hasn't recorded the truth. The new vet assumed it was another drug due to the condition of the pups and mom. he was surprised when he read it was propofol used. There was treatment availible if the truth had come out when everything hit and might have saved one or two.

      anesthetic overdose in dogs?

      anesthetic overdose in dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • it sounds as if the vet was in the wrong ..if you can find out how much anastetic was used for the op and how much should have been used id sue the b****x of the vet xx

    • Need additional info:I'm confused as to why the vet would perform a c-section and spay at the same time if the puppies were not purposefully being aborted. How far along was she?What rating have they given the heart murmur?Was your dog an in-patient at the vet's for the entire14 days post-surgery or did she come home?Vets usually keep a record of the surgery in the dog's file. You can ask for a copy of it, and it should also include the amount of anaesthetic used.Here are some links I found that reference propofol and the heart:<<Propofol: Propofol is a sedative/hypnotic that can be used for induction or maintenance of general anesthesia. Analgesic effect is poor and addition of an analgesic to the anesthetic regimen is necessary for surgery. The drug comes as an emulsion that must be mixed and used within several days. The advantages of propofol are that it has rapid induction and recovery times. It can be easily titrated and given to effect for prolonged periods without resulting in prolonged recovery. The disadvantages are that it must be given intravenously, it is expensive, it may result in apnea and it can cause bradycardia and hypotension.>><<Propofol can depress heart function and breathing, though it does not cause cardiac arrhythmia.>>****************************NOTE: I believe there is at least one veterinarian on Y!A -- I've starred it with the hopes they will see this question.

    • there must be dept of fair trading office that may help you with your enquiries regarding the vet and operations,my dog had a leg operation and she was unresponsive,she was unable to lift her head to drink,so i used asyring to give her water,i had to massage her as she could not move.i rang another emergency vet number and xplained wot happened and he said my dog was overdosed on anesthic.even the antibiotics were the incorrect dosage+the pain killers were not dog had a 2nd op as the 1st op burst open and a muscle poped out wen it should been sticth in but wasnt,it was her knee.sorry for loss and the anguish..