8 week old pug!?

Hi everyone, my finacee and i are foster parents for dogs and puppies .We just got an 8 week old pug named booboo. The vet cant see him till morning. He came from a puppy mill and the reason he was rescued is becuase the breeder felt he had health issues…

    8 week old pug!?

    Hi everyone, my finacee and i are foster parents for dogs and puppies .We just got an 8 week old pug named booboo. The vet cant see him till morning. He came from a puppy mill and the reason he was rescued is becuase the breeder felt he had health issues…...
    General Dog Discussions : 8 week old pug!?...

    • 8 week old pug!?

      8 week old pug!? General Dog Discussions
      Hi everyone, my finacee and i are foster parents for dogs and puppies .We just got an 8 week old pug named booboo. The vet cant see him till morning. He came from a puppy mill and the reason he was rescued is becuase the breeder felt he had health issues and would not be able to sell him. (how terrible is that)!!! He has a hernia were his ambililcle cord was, a respitory infection, his eyes are cloudy, one has a bump on his left eye and his back legs look pigeon toed and weak. He is eating, drinking, playing and going to the bathroom with no issues. But when he sleeps i noticed that he sometimes wakes up twitching with his eyes moving everywhere. Its very scary and if I call touch him he stops. The next issue is that my saint bernard wants nothing to do with the pup. In the past with our foster dogs she will cuddle, clean and play with the dogs, we even have a cat that she loves and takes care of. We are thinking that our dog knows the pup is ill and is "rejecting" him. HELP!do you think maybe the pugs mom rejected him and he wasnt able to get enough milk and nutrients and now he is underdeveloped, weak and sick?we have only had him since last night

      8 week old pug!?

      8 week old pug!? General Dog Discussions
    • there is more then one vet out there. sounds like you need to put the pug down. there are a lot of other pets in need that are in good health that will be put down if they dont get a home....

    • You are likely right in assuming the Bernie is rejecting him because of his health..they will be fine as soon as the pup is well...It does sound like some major health issues, but pugs are pretty resilient, and I think he will likely be fine, after veterinary care...The umbilical hernia is nothing to worry about until he is neutered...hopefully as soon as any infections are treated, and he has returned to health...the weakness in his back legs could be from many problems, so only a vet could diagnose and treat...the respiratory infection and the eye problems could very well be related....best of luck with your baby..I hope the vet can fix him up soon..Pugs are awesome little dogs.

    • Get him to the vet as soon as possible, but it sound slike everything should be resovled with some medication. Pugs naturally have bad legs, though usually when they are older. He shoudl still be fine. It sounds like he is doing everything he is supposed to, so just see what the vet says.I'm glad you're giving this little puppy mill guy a chance. So many people would just have him put down. :(

    • Don't you just love puppy mills?? Sigh. He sounds like he should be fine until the vet can see him. He'll be able to give you a better overall view of what is going on. The reapiratory infection could be contributing to the eye issues, and a dose of antibiotics will probably clear up the infection. They may not clear up the eyes, but who knows!The hernia may need to be taken care of now, or it may wait until he is fixed so that the pup doens't have to go through 2 surgeries. The sleep issue sounds like it could be an extended dream. My dog will often twitch significantly and move her eyes rapidly when she is dreaming - sometimes it happens even when her eyes are open, but she is asleep. It's kind of like a waking dream. I touch her or softly shake her and call her name and all is good again. She comes out of it. I don't know if this is the same thing, but just thought I'd put a possible explanation out there. Puppy mill dogs are notorious for poor breeding, so this could be part of the issue with the back legs. That and if the dog has been in a small cage until now, they may have never had the opportunity to develop correctly and could possibly now be deformed from the neglect. However, if he still gets around ok, then with exercise and a healthy diet, he may increase his mobility. Be sure to take lots of pictures and video of the dog and consider calling the humane society, USDA, and/or animal control to report this breeder for negelcting her animals. Good luck to you and I hope that all goes well. : )

    • Poor thing! My dog is a rescue from a puppy mill too. I wouldn't worry about the umbilical hernia--it may need to be repaired, but shouldn't be causing the pup any problems. As long as the pup continues eating, drinking, and eliminating properly, nothing else seems like an absolute emergency. My pup has dreams (nightmares?) where her eyes open/roll/twitch/flutter, her legs start "running" and she whimpers in her sleep. It is miserable to watch, but it is just dreaming, so I try not to disturb her. Sounds like cataracts on the eyes--if so, this may be reparable. The vet should give you some antibiotics for the respiratory infection.When my pup came to me, she had a horrible eye infection, a fever, copious amounts of green snot, a belly bloated with gas, and no muscle tone on her whatsoever. She could walk a little ways, but would bunny hop with her legs together instead of running and couldn't get very far before she had to lie down. Her immune system has been weak, so the infections have been recurrent, but that is getting better as she gets stronger. Last night (6 weeks later) she was running laps around the house, chomping furiously on her squeaky toys, and was just thrilled to be living! Good for you for rescuing this pup. With good care he will turn around. With time your Saint may turn around too. It is probably best to keep them separated anyway until the pup is cleared by the vet, as the respiratory infection and any worms, etc, are contagious.