What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?

My puppy who is almost 4 months old found some Harry Potter Bertie Botts jelly beans and he seems ok right now but he is hyper. Is the sugar only making him hyper or should I call a vet? Will he be ok?

    What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?

    My puppy who is almost 4 months old found some Harry Potter Bertie Botts jelly beans and he seems ok right now but he is hyper. Is the sugar only making him hyper or should I call a vet? Will he be ok?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?...

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    • What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?

      What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy who is almost 4 months old found some Harry Potter Bertie Botts jelly beans and he seems ok right now but he is hyper. Is the sugar only making him hyper or should I call a vet? Will he be ok?

      What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?

      What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans? General Dog Discussions
    • i would keep and eye on him and if he gets sick take him to the vet. but he should be alright and keep that kind of stuff away from him. poor thing is going to have diarrhea and a tummy ache for at least a day.

    • Here is a list of bad food for dogs that I abide by:http://mooreshaven.com/pets/dogs/safety/badfoodslist.htmlThere's nothing about sugar or sugared candy but....Here's what it says about Candy:Candy Sugarless candy containing xylitol has been recognised by the National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC) to be a risk to pets (first published July 2004). This compound can cause liver damage and death in some dogs. This information is recent and some vets may not be familiar with xylitol poisoning. If your dog has eaten sugarless candy you can contact the NAPCC by telephone, 1-888-426-4435 for more information.You dog should be fine, maybe get a tummy ache, but if you want to you can induce vomiting in dogs by giving then 1/2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide.

    • Your pup will be just fine. One of my pups ate a snickers bar once. He was super hyper for about an hour, but he crashed and slept just like toddler. His stomach was a little upset from all the junk food but he was just fine the next day.

    • Your dog will be fine and a trip to the vet is not necessary. The only bad thing that might happen is your dog could get diarrhea. If it makes you feel better to know my dog loves that swedish fish candy and sometimes I give him a few. Yes I know it is not a great thing to give him but it will not kill him either and he has never gotten diarrhea from the candy either.

    • he's a dog....i have seen them eat there own vommitt and i have also seen dogs eat poop out of baby diapers.....he will be fine they have extremley strong stomaches.....even at 4 months

    • he should be fine. The sugar could be making him hyper. My roommate's dog(small dog) ate a bunch of hershey's kisses and he lived. Chocolate(especially dark chocolate is bad). Call your vet and see what they say. They'll probably say to keep an eye on him.

    • The sugar will make him hyper, just like a child. If regular jelly beans (with sugar) they will not be toxic, but cause gastric upset. If sugarless it can be toxic.You can call your local animal emergency clinic and they will be glad to advise you over the phone. If the puppy has eaten a lot of jelly beans, as opposed to just 'some,' they might recommend a trip to the ER.

    • Your puppy will be OK. Just be sure that he never gets a hold of chocolate. That can kill him. Pick up all stuff that they can get a hold of as puppys will pretty much eat anything in site. They do make Puppy Treats that they can have also doggie cookies. No real ones. You can get them at most Pet places. Use them as treats when he has done something good, like GOING out side. Make them a reward for good behavior, not bad.