My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet?

I left for about 2 hours gave her food and locked her in my bedroom she ate a whole pencil and chewed up a pen where the ink ran out. Is she going to get hurt? Should i take her to the vet. She is only a puppy (1 year)She ate the whole pencil wood chunks…

    My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet?

    I left for about 2 hours gave her food and locked her in my bedroom she ate a whole pencil and chewed up a pen where the ink ran out. Is she going to get hurt? Should i take her to the vet. She is only a puppy (1 year)She ate the whole pencil wood chunks…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet?...

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    • My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet?

      My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      I left for about 2 hours gave her food and locked her in my bedroom she ate a whole pencil and chewed up a pen where the ink ran out. Is she going to get hurt? Should i take her to the vet. She is only a puppy (1 year)She ate the whole pencil wood chunks and all

      My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet?

      My dog chewed up a pen and ate a pencil when i was gone. Should i take her to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • i think the only thing that would hurt her is if she swallowed any wood chunks or plastic probably hurt coming out dont worry about brining her to the vet inless she starts yelping or shows signs of pain

    • If you notice bloody stools or if she becomes constipated, take her to the vet. Unless she is a small dog (like a Chihuahua) the plastic pieces should not obstruct the intestine. If she's constipated, this could be due to blockage, and you should take her to the vet right away. Same thing with the bloody stool, this could mean that she has a perferated gut, take her to your vet. What's going to happen is she's going to be pooping wood for a day or two. If she vomits and becomes listless, or has no energy, take her to your vet.

    • Whenever you leave your dog unattended you should keep him/her in a crate then they won't chew your pens and pencils. My advice would be to keep and eye on her stool at things like this usually end up at the other end. If you find your dog is staining a lot I would take your dog to the vet, could have a blockage from the pens and pencils.

    • I would take her to the vet as soon as possible just to be on the safe side. If she ate the whole pencil you have to worry about Lead Poisoning and Blockages or Perforations of the Intestines,from the plastic in the pens and the wood in the pencil. If she was my puppy, I personally would not take any chances, I would immediately take her to the vet. I hope your little one is ok, and that she does not have any serious problems. Good Luck!!!