my dog has got mites HELP?

my dog is about 7 months now and she is a female named abbey. we found a bit of hairloss on the left side of her mouth and around her left eye. we too her to the vet and they gave us a medicine called advocate it iws dop that you put on the back of her…

    my dog has got mites HELP?

    my dog is about 7 months now and she is a female named abbey. we found a bit of hairloss on the left side of her mouth and around her left eye. we too her to the vet and they gave us a medicine called advocate it iws dop that you put on the back of her…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog has got mites HELP?...

    • my dog has got mites HELP?

      my dog has got mites HELP? General Dog Discussions
      my dog is about 7 months now and she is a female named abbey. we found a bit of hairloss on the left side of her mouth and around her left eye. we too her to the vet and they gave us a medicine called advocate it iws dop that you put on the back of her neck. a month later it still go wrose. we took her to the vet again and they did a skin scrape and said she had mites and needs a different treatment. they gave us a liquid thing to wash her for 4 weeks. we have used it once now and there is no improvment. the medicine is also very expensive. if i put my hand in her fur and pull you have a lot of dog hair all over the place... is there a quick simple solution. well it ever stop. if it stops will it return. she is not allowed to roam the house because she leaves hair all over the place now. is there anything that can get rid of it fast. the vet told us to still use the advocate. and should i get her neutered now. what are the advatages of neutering.thanks for your help.

      my dog has got mites HELP?

      my dog has got mites HELP? General Dog Discussions
    • Ok...When your dog comes back positive for mites after a skin scrape it means it has mange. There are 2 different types of mange (Demodex and sarcoptic). The vet should be able to tell you what type it is.Sarcoptic mange is the every day mange that dogs get from contact with another dog. If this is what your dogs have then just follow the doc's orders to get it cleared. Be careful...Sarcoptic mange is contagious to people too and you can easily catch it. The other kind is Demodex mange (also known as red mange or puppy mange). This type is not contagious to you or another dog. It is an immunity deficiency. It is passed from the parents of the dog to the puppies. This means no breeding unless you want to spend alot for a bunch of puppies to be treated. It is not curable. Your dog will have this the rest of its life if it is a demodex dog. It is treated with Ivomec ( DO NOT SELF MEDICATE!!! If this isn't mixed to the right strength by your vet it will poison your dog). Ivomec can make your dog sick (did mine). The best way i found to treat it and its extremely affective is with Lymdip. Most vets will dip them for you but it gets expensive. If you buy it and dip her yourself it is a lot cheaper. Some vets say that you can't buy it over the counter but that is just their way to get you to pay them to do it. You may have to call a couple of vets to find out where to get it but it can be found. If you can't find it just e-mail me and ill help you. There is enough in one bottle to dip your dog 4 times and costs $18. It stinks to high heaven but it works great. It will get worse b4 it gets better b/c when the mites die they cause the hair folecules they are attached to to completely fall out. Dip her once a week till all clears up and then one more time. Then once a month till she tests negative for mites. If theres anything else i can do e-mail me at [email protected]