How can i get my dog to quit masterbating?

I have a 3 year old Chihuahua. He is neutered, so no problem there. But he is constantly licking and sucking on his naughty parts. I can't seem to get him to quit. He can start playing, but quickly stops to lick. Like he's trying to make sure it didn't…

    How can i get my dog to quit masterbating?

    I have a 3 year old Chihuahua. He is neutered, so no problem there. But he is constantly licking and sucking on his naughty parts. I can't seem to get him to quit. He can start playing, but quickly stops to lick. Like he's trying to make sure it didn't…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i get my dog to quit masterbating?...

    • How can i get my dog to quit masterbating?

      How can i get my dog to quit masterbating? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 3 year old Chihuahua. He is neutered, so no problem there. But he is constantly licking and sucking on his naughty parts. I can't seem to get him to quit. He can start playing, but quickly stops to lick. Like he's trying to make sure it didn't fall off in the process of him running around. It's gross, and I can't let my toddler play with him. The last thing I need is the dog to lick himself then lick my sons face!

      How can i get my dog to quit masterbating?

      How can i get my dog to quit masterbating? General Dog Discussions
    • Please first ascertain that nothing is wrong with the dog. If he stops mid-play to lick, he may have some kind of an infection which needs to be cleared up. See your vet right away. Untreated infections often just get worse and worse.No toddler should ever be allowed to play with any Toy breed because children grab, hold, pinch and hug waaaay too hard, without meaning to. Then the dog gets hurt and hurt dogs BITE. Toddlers also fall a lot and one fall could end a Chihuahua's life or cripple it forever or cause irreversible brain damage so keep the dog and child well apart!

    • *rolls eyes* Grow the hell up. you have a kid but can't spell masturbate correctly? and FYI ALL DOGS LICK THEMSELVES, get over it and move on. You have no idea how many times you or your kid have been licked after your dog has groomed himself. It really doesn't matter anyways since i would assume you observe basic hygiene rules.BTW do you get this paranoid about people kissing you, shaking your hand? After all you don't know what they were doing before they saw you and even if they bothered to wash up and you're more likely to catch something from them than the dog.