Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others?

I don't have a dog yet, but I need to know the approximate price of vaccinations for my dog. I know Petco gives them, so if anyone goes there for the vaccinations, can you tell me how much you pay per vaccination? And how much at other places if you…

    Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others?

    I don't have a dog yet, but I need to know the approximate price of vaccinations for my dog. I know Petco gives them, so if anyone goes there for the vaccinations, can you tell me how much you pay per vaccination? And how much at other places if you…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others?...

    • Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others?

      Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others? General Dog Discussions
      I don't have a dog yet, but I need to know the approximate price of vaccinations for my dog. I know Petco gives them, so if anyone goes there for the vaccinations, can you tell me how much you pay per vaccination? And how much at other places if you don't go to Petco? Thanks!

      Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others?

      Dog vaccination prices at Petco and others? General Dog Discussions
    • I would NEVER go to Petco for anything that my VET can do, no matter how much cheaper.I would just call around to different Vet's if you don't already have one.Establishing a good relationship with a Veterinarian is always best. If you have an emergency, you can't take the dog to Petco.

    • Petco doesn't do vaccinations except when they have a special day for a vet to come in and do vaccinations at low cost - you would have to wait until they have that.Ranch Hand, Tractor Supply - other livestock and feed stores do the same several times a year.Packages vary in price, depending on what you need done - puppies need at least 3 sets of puppy vaccinations, then rabies and a booster - even at low cost place, will cost at least 150., then spay/neuter at least another 60.- Your best bet for low cost vaccinations and spay/neuter is a low cost clinic --- here it is Petluv -- but you still need to have a decent vet ready if something comes up on an emergency basis.If vetting is going to be a real problem and you can't afford it if necessary, you really should wait until you are better off financially and can afford to give a dog the right care.Note: Buni, Petco has vets come in to do the special days, the clerks don't do it, and, while I agree with folks who say you need to have a vet anyway, a vet's office is likely to be more dangerous for unvaccinated pups than Petco is.You ALWAYS need to make sure not to put a vulnerable pup on any surface, bring your own blanket, keep him away from other dogs - that vet's office you think is so much safer could just have had a pupppy with parvo in and they haven't been able to decontaminate completely.Best to keep your pup in the car until it's your turn and then put him down on his own blanket, never directly on a common surface.As to do it yourself, most people - unless they are breeders - do not want to, or know how to, do that. It is a crap shoot as to whether the vaccines have been kept at the proper temperature too, when you send for it in the mail - not the best advice for most pet owners.

    • Are you getting a puppy or an adult dog? Petco has vaccine packages for both. They run between $40 and $50 dollars. It is more cost effective to get a vaccine package than it is to get separate vaccines.

    • O.M.G DO NOT GO TO (PETCO) Vets at PETCO are sued on a regular basis for malpractice. They claim to spay or neuter a pet that ends up having puppies 3 months after supposedly being fixed. This is a fact PETCO Fort Wayne Indiana 2005 6 cats fixxed ended up having kittens. they claim to have fixxed more cats that did not end up having kittens. So they get it rite more then half the time? in their defence.

    • If you know how to give a human insulin shots, you can actually vaccinate your dog yourself. Rabies is the only one required to be given by a veterinarian.If you have a Tractor Supply store, you can pick up the Spectra 9 and Bordatella vaccine there. Combined, they cost about $12. (Depending on your location)All you would need to do is take the stickers from the vials and attach to a piece of paper and date it with your initials. Make a copy of it, and give it to the vet for their records.If you don't know how to administer it yourself, you can take the vaccine (make sure it stays cold) and your dog to a local Humane Society or rescue group and they will be more than happy to show you how to do it.

    • The yearly shots for my dogs run about $100 each. Puppies have to have shots more often, but after that first year, you only have to take them once a year. Don't forget about heartworm and flea and tick meds - I always include that in my yearly vet costs. The heartworm meds I get are about $35 for a six month supply. Flea and tick costs depend on the type you get. If you really want an inexpensive solution to fleas and ticks, buy some diatomaceous earth (NOT the kind they use in pools - the kind they use for gardening and landscaping). It's a very safe and cheap alternative and you can rub a small bit of it into your dog's fur to keep the creepy crawlies off of him/her. Only catch is this needs to be applied at least twice a week.