Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?

There are several people in here who "tell it like it is" and they are acused of being rude or abusive? Now why is that? Do you not want to know the truth? Do you only want us to agree that you have done the right thing, even though you didn't?Here are…

    Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?

    There are several people in here who "tell it like it is" and they are acused of being rude or abusive? Now why is that? Do you not want to know the truth? Do you only want us to agree that you have done the right thing, even though you didn't?Here are…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?...

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    • Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?

      Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth? General Dog Discussions
      There are several people in here who "tell it like it is" and they are acused of being rude or abusive? Now why is that? Do you not want to know the truth? Do you only want us to agree that you have done the right thing, even though you didn't?Here are some answers that are not rude, but will answer most of the questions in here:No, there is no home remedy for Parvo. Either get a vet to treat your dog, or be prepared for its death.No, it is not a good idea to breed your dog. If you are in here asking questions, you haven't done nearly enough research.If your dog isn't acting normally, call your vet. They can tell you what to do better than we can.We don't know you or your dog, therefore, we don't care what you name it!Are there any questions that I missed? What do the rest of you think?

      Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?

      Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth? General Dog Discussions
    • Because they expect us to sugarcoat everything for them.Edit- LMAO, looks like one of the cowards came in, thumbs-downed everyone, then left. Grow some balls and answer the question, cowards.

    • Thank you!! I totally feel the same way. I feel as though some questions on here are totally outrageous made by owners who clearly have no clue and shouldn't own pets. I feel sorry for their animals sometimes. As a vet assistant I do my best to answer their questions the best I can without coming right out and telling them they have no clue...but I am sure sometimes I come off as rude and inconsiderate. Which I am not, I only have the pets best interest in mind. Thank you for taking a stand.

    • Well I was on your side til this"We don't know you or your dog, therefore, we don't care what you name it!"I came here when I got my dog looking for IDEAS as to a good name. he was nameless and I wanted help. I got ALOT of good ideas so, your COMMENT WAS RUDE!!!Thats not Saying the truth, its being a nasty bitch for no reason.EVERYTHING ELSE- I AGREE WITH 100%Most people who get on here asking medical question i tell them all the same thing- GET OFFLINE AND CALL A VET!!!

    • Here's one I see a lot.My dog is acting mean/rude/weird or has developed an annoying behavior (barking, peeing, chewing). what do I do?Read a couple behavior books, check out training techniques, call a trainer or maybe just go to an obediance class.There is no such thing as a cheap dog. Either you can spare the avg. 2-3,000 a year to care for the animal or you're not finacially ready... get a plant.

    • Yup you missed is it ok to give my dog Tylenol! How much Benadryl is ok to give my dog for a bladder infection.Your fav and mine can I use the lawn powder Sevin on my dog to kill fleas.The ones who give medical advise really fry my butt too.Those who wine about abusive responses are usually the ones who deserve it.

    • I think that sometimes telling the blunt truth can make people feel helpless, or sometimes if thier animal is not acting (behaviorly right) the problem is sometimes the human, not the animal and nobody likes to be told they are "doing it wrong". Even though if they made small changes it would work and make a huge differance. Also sometimes someone asking the question may feel stupid, even though that may not be the intention of the answering person it may be percieved that way. People just respond in differant ways to differant things. No I don't believe that telling the truth even bluntly is rude or abusive.

    • I agree with you , Kat...some people can't take the truth. However, sometimes, things are said with lots of angry emotion and I think that is why people get offended. Many times, the people asking these questions have no idea how they sound....most of the breeders and experience dog people have seen so much and I think it's assumed the asker knows the things that the breeders know. I understand that many of the experience dog people have seen it all....irresponsible breeding, neglect, abuse...I totally understand the feeling of some. But I think some of the people who are asking questions are totally ignorant to what goes on in the dog world and they don't know how ignorant they are. I also think that sometimes, people ask questions just to get the dog people riled up. I also get irritated that people come on here asking for advice only a vet could answer....why are they asking these questions here?? They need to pick up the phone and call their vet. And, when they say they can't afford vet care???.....it even makes it worse because people who own a pet need to realize that they need to budget for veterinary care for their pet. Owning a pet means being responsible for it and not having the money is no excuse!!

    • totally agree with you 100% people dont want the honest truth but a sugar coated version you missed two questions though where can i find a maltipoo ?and then when people tell them the pound since its a mixed breed they get all mad and are like no its a designeer breed that you can get from breeders.oh and when people ask where can they find a teacup dog? and someone quite nicely tells them there is no such thing as a teacup breed of dog so they cant find it anywhere then the person whos asks gets all mad.

    • You have it bang on Kats. A lot don't want to hear the truth. I don;t think I have ever been mean to anyone, not my way, but I will tell it how it is. If someone wants to breed their dobielabapoo to their friends cute Rottiepitadoodle I'm not going to agree with it. I'm also not going to agree that the dog dying of parvo really will get better if you give it a pat on the head and some Gatoraid.I try to be helpful, but often that's not what is really wanted. People seem to think they can come here and get free vet treatment because they don't want to pay for it. Some want to learn in 1 minute all they should have learned over several months when their dog goes into labour and they don;t know how to deal with it. They are also probably the people who asked a few days before how long their dog would be pregnant. In part that's why I don;t answer much here anymore. It seems the worst advice is often the one taken because it's what they want to hear. Why waste my time! I am very picky about what I answer now. I only reply to what seems like a genuine request by someone who truly wants to hear different aspects on the subject rather than just wanting to hear they are right, they are always right. I try to pick out those who really are looking for a good answer to their question. I thought that was what it was supposed to be all about.

    • Kats -- you go, baby!! I agree with you 100%!!! I especially like it when people think that we're mean for telling them they oughtta get their damn animals spayed and neutered......Edited to add: Laura, don't forget"pittbull" -- it's not Pit like "Brad Pitt", people. And, it IS two separate words.... if you're going to keep one, know what it's really called.

    • My pet peeve (no pun intended):People who ask a questions without doing a search on Y!A to see if their question's already been asked.There must be a zillion of the following: "What do I feed my dog"? "Is it okay if my dog eats grass?""How frequently should I bathe my dog?"etc.*************EDIT: here's another one:Misspelling the name of one's breed "chiwawa""lapsa apsa""bischon""shitsu""coker poo"<--not a breed but STILL...coker poo???!!)

    • trust me this is true in many parts of yahoo. you should check out the relationship area....omg...bunch of teenage or very unassured people in there. or the baby area. asking us to pick out a name for them........your baby, your dog, your boyfriend/hubby or whatever......ugh. A LOT of people will never handle the truth.

    • The "What to name the dog" question doesn't bother me. The one that chaps my cheeks is "I'm gonna bread (All misuse of language is intentional here for display purposes) my sheltidachsahuahua to my friend's dobepitador. Don't say not to cause I'm gonna do it, so fluck you and just tell me how! I want the puppies to come so I can sell 'em at Christmas, so they need to be here 6 weeks before that. And how much are they worth?"--THEN they add to the edit: "They are TOO purebreads because I can register them on (insert your favorite crappy bogus registery here)". Then to REALLY get my fire cracklin' you see an answer like, "Ignore the people who have decades of experience, or who get to decide who dies every day at their shelter...they're just stupid. Go ahead and breed your dog..so what if it likes to eat kids for lunch. And you can be the first to name the new breed and you can sell them for hundreds, maybe even a grand!"The person who answers that way is never around to answer, "OMG! My dog just died and I have 9 sickly puppies and I can't afford to take them to the vet and I don't know how to feed them, and two just died, and who should I give them to who can take care of them....and do you think I can get them back from the shelter to sell them? They ARE mine, you know?"And folks say we're mean or rude? Man, just be glad a whole lotta cables seperate us in reality. I just would love to drag some of these folks around by the ear to show them the REALITY of what they are promoting.

    • How about ...Name your dog whatever the heck you want.If your dog is strong and healthy, he's probably eating the best dog food for him.I don't know any more than you, which breeds make up your mutt.Why don't you spend more time training your dog rather than pick out outfits for him.There is no such thing as a free dog that doesn't shed, or bark, or eat too much, or never gets sick, that's good with children, that comes fully trained and housebroken.Thanks, I feel better now.

    • How on earth did you manage to ask a question and the ML didn't show up? Personally I am looking (hoping and praying) for the return of GitemGang. Being kind to many of these people certainly didn't help. The questions just keep getting dumber and more disturbing everyday. Perhaps a good "SPANKING" would open their eyes to their brainless, neglectful and sometimes abusive treatment of their dogs? One can only hope!

    • I can only speak for myself.I'm here to share information and hopefully learn a few things, not make friends (although I have exchanged one or 2 friendly e-mails with some people on here). I'd rather have an answer from somebody rude but knowledgeable than a polite know-nothing.Some people seem to have already decided what they are going to do, just want somebody else to justify it for them.I refuse to get too worked up by people asking for a name for their new pet. I just assume it's an over-excited child, essentially harmless - so I ignore those questions.Similarly, I won't get too upset by anybody asking a genuine question - no matter how basic, as long as they are open-minded enough to take notice of answers that might not be what they want to read.The only ones who bother me are those who GIVE bad answers, and those who WON'T ACCEPT good ones from knowledgeable people (double check them - you'll often find they are right).--------------------St Lady - GitEmGang is still about, under a different name now. I'm surprised you've not seen her.

    • One of the areas that I try to focus on is dog aggression, of various types. Things such as:My dog just bit two kids . . .My dog just bit me and I have 140 stitches . . .My dog just killed ANOTHER dog this week . . .I try to reply to their question and be courteous, at the same time and for obvious reasons, I want to be FIRM about making these folks realize the implications of the WRONG decision.If your dog pees in the house twenty three times more, the world isn't going to end.If you dog is a fear biter and you do the wrong thing, it's possible someone is going to get hurt very bad, or possibly killed.If they want to call me rude. Great. I'm thick skinned enough. If I save one kid, one dog, or one person, it was worth it.It absolutely blows me away the number of questions that get asked WEEKLY here about dog bites!