Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?

There are several people in here who "tell it like it is" and they are acused of being rude or abusive? Now why is that? Do you not want to know the truth? Do you only want us to agree that you have done the right thing, even though you didn't?Here are…

    Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?

    There are several people in here who "tell it like it is" and they are acused of being rude or abusive? Now why is that? Do you not want to know the truth? Do you only want us to agree that you have done the right thing, even though you didn't?Here are…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people call it "rude" or "abusive" when you tell them the truth?...

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    • You missed "That breed is really big" or "Don't get such a small dog if you have kids." :)I just remind myself that the truth hurts sometimes.My spelling pet peeve: Shepperd/shepard and the like. Today in the classifieds, I saw chiuahuah puppies advertised (near the FIVE WEEK OLD LABS). A rare take on a familiar breed, I suppose.

    • Don't forget... what to feed my dog? Please learn to read your labels...if it's not good enough for you ...it's not good enough for your pet...would you knowingly eat by-products...BHA, or BHT, How about Propylene Glycol or Ethyoxquin.

    • I totally agree.One time the question was: What to do? My dog is bleeding and urinating. Help!!!I answered: Take him to the vet! They know better advice than we do. Be a better owner! It was probably an 8 year old.She gave me back an e-mail saying how people like me shouldn't respond to questions because they don't know (or something like that).Anyways the point of the matter is some people are stupid.-Pet Lover

    • Well what I think is that rude beacause they say it bluntly. I mean if they would say "I think you should either take your dog to the vet or it will die." You know?I mean there is a way to be truthful without being mean.

    • lol... yeah, unfortunately there are those kinds of questions on each and every category on here. You should see some of the questions people ask in the Parenting section. This is the reason why I don't usually stay on here for long periods of time. I start to get angry at those people with no common sense whatsoever. But, also keep in mind that some people will ask things like that just to get a rise out of you. Some could be lying through their teeth just to see everyone's reaction.

    • You forgot:My dog is pregnant, when will she have her puppies? To which my usual answer is "See you back here in about 63 days when you ask if she's in labor"!!!If it's not a sugar-coated answer, they don't want to hear it...."Awwwww - Your doggie will have it's puppies in 60-65 days. Congratulations and have fun with them!!!" (If they don't all die during whelping cause you don't know what the H*** you're doing!).

    • I find your question RUDE and OFFENSIVE!! Just kidding. I do find it extremely annoying that people do this. I answered a question about someone needing to feed their dog better food and I got a nasty email from them telling me to screw off and what's funny is she totally denied that any of her dog's problems were from food. I responded with "Why did you ask if you already know what the problem is?"Another time I got an even NASTIER email when I answered a question about breeding with some stats on how many animals are put to sleep each year. How is that rude?? She told me that her dog is smarter than me and that I am a jack@$$. Well, then, aparantly she doesn't care about dogs being put to sleep, she just wants her $200 bucks for each puppy. And I AM A JACK@$$?????

    • this is a very good question and some would say Ive asked daft questions in the past on here about my dog ,and you know what your so right I'm 1 of them ,I'm not trying to justify it lol but i not be doing it again ,the only thing i get made with is people pulling you up on spellings ,y should it matter ,know 1s perfect ,but b4 i came on here i didn't realise just how much silly questions there are ,but i did take on board everything people would say to me ,so to all of you that answered any of my silly 1s thanks and sorry if i p1ssed you off lol