A question about beagles... Someone with experience?

I have heard that a lot of beagles (and other dogs) have seizures. My question is after you find out they get seizures, and you put them on medication, are they likely to have a seizure again even if they are on medicine? I just don't want to have to…

    A question about beagles... Someone with experience?

    I have heard that a lot of beagles (and other dogs) have seizures. My question is after you find out they get seizures, and you put them on medication, are they likely to have a seizure again even if they are on medicine? I just don't want to have to…...
    General Dog Discussions : A question about beagles... Someone with experience?...

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    • A question about beagles... Someone with experience?

      A question about beagles... Someone with experience? General Dog Discussions
      I have heard that a lot of beagles (and other dogs) have seizures. My question is after you find out they get seizures, and you put them on medication, are they likely to have a seizure again even if they are on medicine? I just don't want to have to experience my puppy having a seizure. Thanks for answering!Sheltiemom- no i am not talking about putting him on medication before he even has a seizure

      A question about beagles... Someone with experience?

      A question about beagles... Someone with experience? General Dog Discussions
    • My dogs have seizures. The vet did blood testing initially to rule out any other popssible causes and ruled it to be epilepsy. Then the vet had me log the frequency, symptoms and duration of each seizure. When they were occurring once per month, he put my dog on phenobarbitol twice daily. His seizures have diminished to about 3-4 per year now and are not as severe. My other dog, a litter mate, has just begun seizing at age 6, but his are very mild and infrequent. We are monitoring him at the moment.There is no way of knowing whether or not a dog will develop seizures. The best thing you can do is to ask the breeder if the parents and/or any dog in the lineage has had seizures. If they do, then it is more likely that the offspring will too. However, this is not always the case. Again, there is no sure fire way to tell ahead of time.Good Luck to you.

    • The only dogs I have ever had were beagles... I have had MANY between myself and my parents. None of ours have ever had seizures!! I don't think it is something you have to worry about unless it happens. I would think if it does than there is something wrong with the dog, not the breed:)

    • I'm a little confused. Are you putting them on medication because they *might* have seizures, or have they already had seizures?You don't medicate a dog just on the off change it may have seizures. However, if he does have seizures, you do need to address the situation. The dosage can vary, so it's possible that if the dosage is not quite correct, the dog can seize evern when medicated.But if he's not having problems, don't worry about it. There's no vaccine or whatever, to "prevent" the dog from having seizures.

    • Hi. Beagles often are prone to epilepsy. I had a beagle named Blazer who was epileptic. He took medication everyday. We rolled his pill up in a bread ball. He occasionally still had seizures though. It was always scary, but we knew how to deal with it. You could always tell when there was a seizure coming. His body would get stiff and his eyes would roll back. He often lost control of his bladder. When a seizure started, we would sit down on the ground, hug him and pat him and whisper softly to him that he was going to be okay. Once the seizure was over he was always fine. Would go right back on with his day and not even remember that it happened. Blazer was one of the most wonderful dogs I have had thus far and since we knew what to do when he had a seizure, it wasn't really a problem for any of us. It was managable. Good luck if you choose to adopt the epileptic dog. Being knowledge is the best thing.