What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private?

It looks disgusting!!!

    What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private?

    It looks disgusting!!!...
    General Dog Discussions : What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private?...

    • What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private?

      What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private? General Dog Discussions
      It looks disgusting!!!

      What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private?

      What is that pink stuff that comes out of my puppy's private? General Dog Discussions
    • Blood? That's her period. I take it you haven't gotten her fixed. That's what happens when you get a female dog :P. That means you have to clean up after her every month.

    • If your puppy is a male the pink thing coming out of that general area would be his penis. Male puppies tend to do that when they are overly excited.If your puppy is a female, and over 6 months old, it is probably her coming into heat. Female dogs bleed similiar to female when they have their period. If your puppy does not fit this criteria, you may want to have it checked by a vet.

    • OK... If its a boy, its his penis. He is excited or needs to use the bathroom. Use this as a key to know what is going on with the way he is acting. If he is walking around circling and he is frantic let him out. If he is just rolling over and being playful he is excited and has alot of energy to burn. Take him out and throw a frisbee or ball around....If its a female and she is around 6-12 months old it is her first period/heat cycle. This will last for apx a month, she will bleed heavy for about a week or two depending on her body. There is no right time for an animals first heat because everyone is different just like humans. If you dont want to spay her get her a doggie diaper and keep her inside away fromn other male dogs. A dog should NEVER be bred on their first heat cycle its like getting a 13 year old pregnant, its not safe. It happens. But its something you should avoid. If you dont want to deal witht he problems of having a female in season then spay her at a local vet with a good reputation....