My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?

Ok my friend is getting a dog this Christmas. His step father insists on getting a lab. While my friend doesn't, at all. He wants....Rottweiler-Apparently they are horrible with children (he has a 4 and a 6 year old) and they will randomly turn on…

    My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?

    Ok my friend is getting a dog this Christmas. His step father insists on getting a lab. While my friend doesn't, at all. He wants....Rottweiler-Apparently they are horrible with children (he has a 4 and a 6 year old) and they will randomly turn on…...
    General Dog Discussions : My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?...

    • My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?

      My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them? General Dog Discussions
      Ok my friend is getting a dog this Christmas. His step father insists on getting a lab. While my friend doesn't, at all. He wants....Rottweiler-Apparently they are horrible with children (he has a 4 and a 6 year old) and they will randomly turn on you...German Shepherd-Vicious, they are a one person dog. Huskies-Escape Artists, they apparently bolt out of their cage every chance they get.

      My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?

      My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them? General Dog Discussions
    • huskies...yes thats true, huskies will scale 6 ft fences so ill give him that onethe others are complete and utter bs...more people have been bitten by badly bred labs than by well bred rotties or shepards.a german shepard from pet lines makes an excelent family pet...and rotwilers...i know MANY that have lived many years with babies growing up crawling all over themhe cant call them FACTS if they have no baisis in reality other than Breed Banners bull...

    • Huskies are def escape artist. The other two I personally think its how you raise them. But alot of people would'nt want to take a chance of them being around children cause all it takes is one time.

    • All I can say is that he is just influenced by a small group of people that believe what was his" facts" so its going to be hard to tell/show him that not of his thoughts are true.for one, Rottweilers, it all depends on how one raises them. I've known a lot that are very loving and couch potatoes LOL.for german shepherd, not so much true as what he thinks..huskies, do try tend to try and espcape, but if you give a little training and enough exercise, that wont be a problem too much.

    • unfortunately you cannot change a person with a set mind. Though I have not had one myself, labs are supposed to be a good family dog. I think your friend might like one if he got to know one.

    • the only one i agree with is the husky. i have been told that they love to run and will every chance they uncle brought back a shepherd when he came home from the army and it played with all us kids from the day he got there.rotts the only ones i have come into contact with are big babies and love to get attention, from adults or kids.i raised chows with my three year old and her friends. they loved the kids to cousin has labs and they were only friendly with the family they saw all the time.

    • That's true. You can tell her to get a Golden Retriever. Those are great with kids!!! And they are really big dogs so most people are afraid of them. But for real, they are really friendly and pretty.

    • very true on the huskie - my friend has one and it's gone everytime he can find a way out - they are running dogs that love to work - u can't just have them in a yard and expect them not to destroy something or get loose.for the rotties and german shepards there are many great family dogs. my work neighbor (the guy that works next door) has a police trained germany shepard and he also has a 4year old kid at home that's attached to that GSD - great dog - seen it a couple times - very friendly too - only barks at suspicious people. I'm not too familiar with the rottie since i don't know anyone with one, but it's not all about the breed - when looking for a dog, u need to find out the temperament of the breeding pair before buying the pup, take to obedience class once the pup is old enough too.btw I'll take a GSD or rottie over a lab anyday. I'm not a big lab fan.

    • Throw this one at him. . . according to the Canadian Safety Council, the breed with the largest number of bite incidences is the Labrador Retriever. By virtue of there being so darn many of them.Some people were brought up very misinformed and are unlikely to change their minds. There is tons of info on the web. A quick google search brought up this about Rotts and children. wonder if people realize that there are more breeds out there than Labs and Huskies and Maltese and Yorkies? Just because a breed is popular doesn't mean it's a good fit for every situation.

    • Rottweiler Needs STRONG ownership. These are very powerful dogs that need an owner who knows how to handle them. Not vicious or horrible with children, but very strong. But if raised properly, they are really lovable.German ShepherdGreat dogs, once again needs very strong owners. GSDs do much better when they have a "job" to do. This can be something like Agility, or Schutzhund. Not vicious unless allowed to be. Great dogs, once again, when brought up and trained properly. HuskiesHe is right on that one, well at least an untrained husky. Huskies run by nature, they need a ton of exercise and do a lot better if they can get out and run, really run. All great breeds, but if his family isn't able to accommodate the needs, then it is better that they stick to the labrador (if his step father even researched that breed). Really it's up to the adults of the house which breed. And the way this guy sounds I'm not sure you'll be changing his opinion too easily.

    • Labs are considered to be a soft breed dog while Rottweillers and Shepherds are hard breeds. They are more powerful dogs. Some insurance companies won't insure your home if you own a hard breed dog. This is something to consider.

    • I agree with the huskies as mine really was. I've never had a rottweiler but i've always heard they were great. German shepherds however are awesome, I grew up with german shepherds, they are not a one person dog, mine always protected the whole family they are very very loyal, and any dog can be vicious if its raised to be, no dog is vicious on its own

    • I currently have a german shepherd and he is lovable to the whole neighborhood, my kids friends come over to jump on the trampoline and my german shepherd is right there with all of them.I used to have a rotty who was the biggest lap dog i have ever saw and he lived to be an old man and never once bit anyone and never tried too.What I am saying is any dog can go bad but most dogs are neglected by their owners and the owners just don't train them properly.I have not had any problems with any of my large bred dogs.Tell your friends dad that labs shed 24 hours a day 365 days a year and it becomes a huge mess, however labs are good pets but like any other large breed but if you neglect to raise him right who knows how he will turn out.

    • Rottweiler- Any dog can turn on its owners if they aren't trained, and any dog can be trained to listen. The Rottweiler my neighbor has is probably the best trained dog I have ever seen! Even as a puppy when they couldn't keep it on their yard yet and it came to greet me, it was calm and happy and didn't try to jump. Now I don't even think they would need to tie it to keep it from wandering, it knows where it belongs and shows some interest, but it always looks to its owner for direction.The mutt across the street bit my dad and had to be put down because it pinned down one of its owners trying to attack them. Its all in the owner! Many people would have the the Rottie would be the mean one.Rottweilers get a bad rep because people that want a "tough" dog and then can't handle it, and they have high potential for a lot of damage.German Shepherds- Again TRAIN! My dads friend had a German Shepherd and even though he wasn't controlled that well he was very very sweet and loved kids and anyone that would play with him. Again- seen as a tough dog and since they are big and strong they can cause a lot of damage.Huskies- This one is actually true, if they aren't exercised right. They are working dogs and need HOURS of heavy exercise, and they are smart so they need mental stimulation. If they don't get it, they find their own things to do, which usually involves tearing something apart and trying to run away. This can be controlled, but not everyone can handle themLabs are VERY hyper- they stay like puppies for a while and they can be tough to control. They need lots of activity, and if they aren't trained they can be very dangerous. Even if it doesn't bite, a jumping lab could easily knock someone over. That may not sound bad, but if its a two year old that cracks his head open or its grandma who breaks her hip that dog may not have a home anymore.

    • no dog is horrible with kids unless they r not raised with them and use to them....german shepards are great family dogs and will most likely protect the whole family come a situation that they need to protect them....they can get a little attached to the authorative figure in the house...but so can any dog....they are pack animals so they are loyal to the leader the most....i can half disprove the husky statement....they do get out alot if they r not excerised....they need a good 3 hours a dog of running around...they are a very high demanding dog....german shepard would be the best bet for a family dog....

    • Rottweilers and Germain shepherds can be great dogs i know plenty of people who have dogs like that and never meant a mean one the roomers you here the nightmare police dogs are based on what the dogs was trained or raised same with pit bulls and i wouldn't doubt the husky thing you have to be active a relay devoted to have on of those and a big yard but labs are great dogs especially if you hunt i know people who hated German shepherds and rottweilers and pit bulls and changed their mind when they meant a normal one who was raised right and changed their mind.

    • ANY breed of dog if untrained and/or ill bred may turn on its owner or kids so this 'fact' does have a slight basis in truth.Rotties and GSD have a background in working as guard dogs and can be quite stubborn (along with most other intelligent working breeds). They need consistant training to be kept interested and part of the family pack. Both breeds can be great pets under these circumstances.Huskies are gorgeous but really hard work - they need to feel as part of a pack and heaps of exercise. They can be escape artists (along with JRT, staffies and kelpies) so need a really commited owner.I personally don't really like labs that much - I'd choose a staffordshire bull terrier any day.

    • wow ive actually 2 of the breeds. rottwielers like any dog can be good or bad its how they are trained. mine that i had, i let my 2 y/o niece roll all over him. german shepheards arent bad dogs again its how you train them.

    • All dogs have teeth and can bite. All dogs need training and socialization. My lab can jump 6 foot fences. You want to see an escape artist? Come meet Max, he's my 6 foot fence jumping escape artist. Several months ago when I was boarding him he kept jumping his kennel. So they put a topper on it. The topper was held in place with bungee cords. Worked for a day or two. Then Max figured out he could climb the fence, push the topper back and climb out. This baffled the staff for a couple days, then they moved him to a kennel with a solid topper. Then Max figured out how to work the door. So yes even labs can be escape artists, and they can be viscious as well. I've met a few really nasty ones.