Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat?

My family has been feeding my dog because we cant stand it. He's always begging for food almost 5 times a day with little puppy eyes.I try to walk him everyday and burn some calories from him because he's getting way too fat. I was worried about how long…

    Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat?

    My family has been feeding my dog because we cant stand it. He's always begging for food almost 5 times a day with little puppy eyes.I try to walk him everyday and burn some calories from him because he's getting way too fat. I was worried about how long…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat?...

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    • Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat?

      Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat? General Dog Discussions
      My family has been feeding my dog because we cant stand it. He's always begging for food almost 5 times a day with little puppy eyes.I try to walk him everyday and burn some calories from him because he's getting way too fat. I was worried about how long he'll live if he eats too much. Can somebody tell me if he'll live short and why?

      Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat?

      Will my dog live a short life if he's too fat? General Dog Discussions
    • A little extra weight is a big problem.The more weight your dog has on him the more strain on his joints and organs. He will live a shorter life being heavy than he would if he were thinner.Stop giving him food all the time! Dogs ALWAYS want food, they're scavangers, they're not designed to be fed twice a day but they must be! Think how sad those puppy eyes will look when he dies at 7 years old from congestive heart failure.

    • Obesity in pets can cause many problems but most of all studies have shown that it can take 2 years off of a pets life. Not only that obesity can cause early onset of arthritis and can even cause diabetes. If he is "addicted" to people food you can try giving him treats like baby carrots or green beans (like the plain frozen ones). The best way to help them lose weight is to increase their exercise and decrease their intake...just like people. If all else fails there are special diets for dogs that have a difficult time losing weight. The best way to find the best plan for your dog would be taking him to the vet for a check up and possible some bloodwork checking thyroid levels (can cause weight gain in pets).

    • Yes, he will live a shorter life, because he is fat. For every 5 pounds a dog is over weight, it is equivalent to 50 human pounds.Also, by feeding your dog human-grade food (ie: cooked food with salt, pepper, olive oil, any seasoning, licking the plate clean, etc), increase the odds that your dog will get human diseases: Cancers, heart problems, diabetes, etc.Sit your family down, and set new rules with no more excess feeding. Your dog may beg, but it will be happier in the long run. It won't die slowly and painfully.

    • Yes, it can shorten his life significantly. Obesity contributes to diabetes, can put extra stress on the dogs skeletal system, and affect his organs, among other things. Your dog needs a diet. Feed him the amount of food needed for his target weight (on your bag of food) and if he doesn't lose weight, reduce the amount of food a little until you start to see weight loss. Put a ban on ANY feeding outside of mealtimes, and be sure that meals are ONLY dog food. Stop all treats except for things like carrots or green beans (healthy food). Your vet can help guide you in developing a weight loss program, and if all else fails, Slentrol is available to help him lose weight. Be sure to start with a trip to the vet, to ensure that there is no medical reason for his weight (such as hypothyroidism).

    • hi,The health consequences of these extra pounds are just as serious, too: overweight dogs put greater stress on their joints, hearts, lungs, liver, and kidneys. They're more prone to injury, and are at a higher risk during surgery.here's more info:http://dogtime.com/weight-problems.htmlhope this helps.