Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.?

We'll I got a little japanese chin a few days ago. She doesn't bark or cry (they are quiet dogs) she is very loving and likes to wag her tail and give me kisses, however, she sleeps a whole lot. I'm also having trouble getting her to eat food sometimes…

    Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.?

    We'll I got a little japanese chin a few days ago. She doesn't bark or cry (they are quiet dogs) she is very loving and likes to wag her tail and give me kisses, however, she sleeps a whole lot. I'm also having trouble getting her to eat food sometimes…...
    General Dog Discussions : Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.?...

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    • Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.?

      Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.? General Dog Discussions
      We'll I got a little japanese chin a few days ago. She doesn't bark or cry (they are quiet dogs) she is very loving and likes to wag her tail and give me kisses, however, she sleeps a whole lot. I'm also having trouble getting her to eat food sometimes when I think she needs to eat. I think she might not like the food the previous owner gave me (she's 11 weeks old). Anyways, so I don't know if its because I'm tired and worried about her eye (she got scratched by another puppy a few days ago and I have med. to put in it to make it better) or if maybe I'm just not ready to have that responsibility. I'm in my mid-20's and live by myself, have pretty good hours at work off by noon every day. I just was wondering if the sleeping is normal for a puppy. I've never experienced one sleeping so much, not crying, or not really liking to play with toys. I've never had a chin before though. Also, how long does it usually take an eye to heal? She had an ulcer I believe.

      Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.?

      Worried that I made the wrong decision to get a dog. Please advise.? General Dog Discussions
    • It might help you to search this breed on google search to find out its characteristics. Different dog breeds are different in more ways than one. If after your search is not satisfying for you, speak to an animal vet and ask him your questions.

    • Don't worry, puppies do sleep a lot. Adult dogs sleep a lot too. Not crying is a good thing, actually. She will be fine with the eye problem, if you have consulted a vet about it. It sounds like the dog is fine, since she wags her tail and gives kisses, she's happy. The question is why you have second thoughts. It is not about the dog's welfare, because the dog is OK. I think if you love her, you can handle the situation. But if you can't handle the responsibility of having a dog, give her back before she gets too attached with you. Just make sure she goes to a good owner.

    • Remember she's just a baby and shes just been through a very stressfull couple of days. Sleeping alot at this age is normal. She should be eating 3 meals a day, but she probably wont eat all that much per meal, shes got a pretty tiny stomach. Ulcers can take varying times to heal, depends on how bad it was. Just continue with the medication, and get her to your vet for a check up soon. Having a puppy is a big responsibility, but its worth the effort. If you dont think you can handle it, contact your breeder and tell her so, she'll probably take the puppy back. But depending on the contract you had (I hope) you may not get some or all of your money back.

    • You sound like you know what you are doing, it also sounds to me like you have the commitment it takes to take care of a Dog, as well as the responsiblity. Puppy's sleep a lot, that's normal, the pup will come around, and eat when it is hungry. Be careful, they can manipulate you into buying different foods, puppy's like to nibble, sleep, nibble, sleep, thats what they do, as far as toys go, the dog will come around to that in a month or so. Good luck, GET A DOG TAG (name address phone #) RIGHT AWAY, until you get it, put a piece of tape on the collar very well, with (Name, address, phone #), It's the first most important thing to do as a dog owner, "Protect the Pup" from getting lost !

    • If you haven't already done so you need to take the puppy to the vet. No matter who you buy or adopt from you need to get a vet exam within 72 hours.A puppy will act differently for the first few days to a couple of weeks or so when introduced to a new home.Thye have a lot to get use to..new surroundings, new people,lonliness from being away from mom & littermates, etc.

    • Puppies in general will sleep more than adult dogs. Puppies that age should be fed 3 times a day. Split the daily amount into 3 feedings. Read the food label recommendations. You can soak the dry kibble until it is more soft to get your puppy to eat. It is a good idea to do this in general for all dogs because it makes the food more digestable and the body utilizes it better. As an adult, you could leave a small portion dry as it is, if the idea that dry kibble helps clean the teeth is actually true. Adding some canned food may also entice a puppy/dog to eat.If you think your puppy is having problems with its eyes and it is not currently being treated by the recommendations of a Veterinarian or someone more knowledgeable, then by all means have one take a look at it.Also if you got it from a breeder, have you contacted them for advice?

    • i have had dogs all my life and they are all differant . its normal for a pup to sleep a lot and should be left to sleep . your dog sounds very contented with you . the eye will heal but get your vet to check it out . remember a dog is for life and you wont ever get more loyalty than the love a dog can give you . i dont know what i will do when my westie goes , she is my life and i love her to bits .

    • If she is not eating, she may be getting weak, plus her sugar levels are probably dropping too low. You need to get her to eat somehow. I would also go to the vet or petsmart and get some NUTRICAL. It is a high calorie vitamin/mineral supplement which will help keep her sugar up and it also stimulates their appetite. If she isn't being more of an active, happy puppy in a day or so, you may want to take her to the vet for a checkup. Good luck. As for the eye, it should clear up in a couple of days. One of my chis gets eye ulcers all the time. When we catch them quickly, usually putiing drops in for a day or 2 does the trick.