will my dog lose his sight?

i have a 9 month old shitzu dog who was born with what looks like a fisheye, does anyone know if this effects his sight or will it in the future?

    will my dog lose his sight?

    i have a 9 month old shitzu dog who was born with what looks like a fisheye, does anyone know if this effects his sight or will it in the future?...
    General Dog Discussions : will my dog lose his sight?...

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    • will my dog lose his sight?

      will my dog lose his sight? General Dog Discussions
      i have a 9 month old shitzu dog who was born with what looks like a fisheye, does anyone know if this effects his sight or will it in the future?

      will my dog lose his sight?

      will my dog lose his sight? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to take your dog to a vet specialists. Don't bother to take him to a regular vet as they are not always able to identify the problem and you will have to pay them for the exam. (most likely) Cheaper in the long run and better for your dog.

    • If by "fish-eye" you mean a clouding of the eye lens, it is highly likely that his eyesight may already be somewhat negatively impacted as the eye lens should be clear. Our eyes work just like the lens on a camera; if it's cloudy, the pictures will be cloudy too.Generally speaking Shih Tzu dogs, like many toy breeds, can be prone to eye problems. One condition that seems to run in this breed is called Dry Eye, or Keratoconjuncitivitis, and Shih Tzus can develop cataracts, corneal ulcers, or simple keratitis.Yet you've described that the dog was born with this condition, which could indicate a more serious condition.Some dogs inherit medical conditions from their parents, and one condition to look out for is called Primary Glaucoma. Signs of glaucoma include a cloudy cornea, with a pupil that responds poorly or not at all to light (we shine a light in the dog's affected eye, and see if it dilates at the same range as the normal eye). Glaucoma can be serious because it can start with one eye, yet eventually lead to both eyes, which can lead ultimately to poor vision or blindness. I don't want to alarm you, yet nobody can properly diagnose your dog without an examination. Canine glaucoma in puppies is very rare, but not unheard of, especially since you said he was born with it and that his other eye is presumably clear.My advice is to take your dog in to a veterinary ophthalmologist; just search for one online that's in your area. A regular vet can perform the test and first-level treatment (prescription eye drops and a bp test), yet a veterinary ophthalmologist is better equipped to talk about advanced treatment.Before you do this however, I really, really recommend that you look into pet health insurance as there's no way around the costs of treating Primary Glaucoma in dogs (it's a combination of surgery and ongoing prescription medication).Hope this helps, and best of luck to you and your little guy.