My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating?

Okay so I have a 4 year old Pekingese. When I got him at 3 months he would constantly be vomiting and with occasional diarrhea. The vet told me to keep him on I/D food, which I have, after that I did notice a huge change he had definitely improved. Once…

    My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating?

    Okay so I have a 4 year old Pekingese. When I got him at 3 months he would constantly be vomiting and with occasional diarrhea. The vet told me to keep him on I/D food, which I have, after that I did notice a huge change he had definitely improved. Once…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating?...

    • My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating?

      My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating? General Dog Discussions
      Okay so I have a 4 year old Pekingese. When I got him at 3 months he would constantly be vomiting and with occasional diarrhea. The vet told me to keep him on I/D food, which I have, after that I did notice a huge change he had definitely improved. Once in a while it would happen again (the vomiting mostly its usually white foam with a yellow liquid). The vet would give me some antibiotics and cimetidine syrup (anti-throw up medicine) for him and he would be good after that for months.Now about a month ago it started again,(this time is was equal amounts of vomit and diarrhea) I called the vet and he said to give him rice and chicken for some days to see if it improved, this was a Thursday, Friday came and he was alot better so I thought he was going to be fine from now on. Saturday came and he got worse so I decided to take him to the Animal ER. The vet said his blood work was normal but he had a little bit of pancreatitis, he said after his treatment which was fluids, an anti-inflammatory drug and some antibiotic that he was going to be fine and he wasn't going to need long term treatment. When I took him home the next day I got sent home with an antibiotic to give him Metronidazole and some more Cimetidine. And I was to keep him on the rice and chicken bland diet for a week. After that he got better back to normal no vomit, no diarrhea. After I gradually changed him back to his regular I/D food I noticed he got really gassy, burping alot, which he never has been before. A couple weeks passed still okay except the gas and I noticed his stool has been a bit soft and really smelly not diarrhea soft still able to pick it up but still pretty jiggly. Is this happening because of his food, is he tired of it? Could his soft stool be because ive only given him the wet formula of I/D not the dry formula because he wont eat it dry. I just don't know what to do anymore can anyone help me out? I was going to take him back to the vet after I recuperated from what I had to pay at the animal ER ($1,395.00) im 20 and I don't have the best paying job and my parents arent in the picture. So if anyone could just give me some information id be truly grateful!

      My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating?

      My dog has a very sensitive stomach? Is this okay for him to keep eating? General Dog Discussions
    • i would try and keep it on the dry food if possible and if you see abnormal stuff to bring it to the vet asap. wet food is fine just most owners prefer dry due to it being the best to feed.

    • I have a 14 year old dog (a Chihuahua), who has suffered with this same condition for his entire life. It started as a puppy, where he would vomit yellow bile, have very "tar-like" or "jelly-like" stool for approximately 24 to 36 hrs. He refused to eat anything, including chicken, hamburger, steak etc. He would actually move away from his food bowl as if the sight of the food made him sick.Then after the 24 to 36 hrs., he would snap back to normal and eat and seem very well for several weeks at a time. Sure, it's only a day or two of illness every few weeks, but I hated to see him in that condition. Even though he refused all food, he did drink - I always made sure of that - and he was still alert. Still barked at the mailman, went outside with tail up, etc. Obviously, over the years I have taken him to no less than 4 different vets trying to diagnose his problem. Each vet ran blood tests, urinalysis, x-rays, sonograms and could find nothing wrong. He wouldn't even run a temperature. He was placed on several medical diets, different feeding schedules, he was even prescribed a form of Tagamet for ulcers - all to no avail. Every 4 to 6 weeks he would have an episode - and they continue to this date. My current vet said that they could perform an endoscopy on him, but that means putting him under anesthesia (which is risky at his age), and even then - it may show nothing.So, we live with it. He really doesn't seem to be the worse for wear after all these years. He's thinly built, but not skinny. Like you, I have spent thousands of dollars trying to get to the bottom of this but my vet and I have settled on the fact that he has a very sensitive digestive system and that's just who he is. I realize that's not much help to you except to say that you may never pinpoint her problem and as long as she doesn't become debilitated and these episodes only last a day or two, it's not life threatening.