Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers?

Today my dog gave birth to 2 puppys. They both died. Now my dog is desperately running around the house. We have found a dog that just gave birth to puppys will my dog take the puppy as one of her own.

    Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers?

    Today my dog gave birth to 2 puppys. They both died. Now my dog is desperately running around the house. We have found a dog that just gave birth to puppys will my dog take the puppy as one of her own....
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers?...

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    • Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers?

      Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers? General Dog Discussions
      Today my dog gave birth to 2 puppys. They both died. Now my dog is desperately running around the house. We have found a dog that just gave birth to puppys will my dog take the puppy as one of her own.

      Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers?

      Will my dog take a puppy that is not hers? General Dog Discussions
    • This had happened to me. It didnt work for us because our dog knew that it wasnt hers. Im sorry about the babys. Hope it gets better.EDIT: Well, since she just had the babys today. And they seem like they can be hers. It may work. I would strongly suggest trying it.

    • There is a possibility she may kill the foreign pup. It depends on the dog.The best thing is to let her just deal with it. My dogs have always gotten VERY emotional when their pups are taken from them or pass away. Time will help. But expect some wimpers and howling for a couple days.

    • Just..what?Found a dog? Found a dog where?!You propose removing a puppy from another litter and giving it to your female? NO!Gosh, you need to take your female to the vets to get checked over and when she is fit spay your poor female and do not have any more litters of puppies!So irresponsible.

    • i had the samething happen to me. My godmother which was a vet told me to put the three puppies with the mom during the night time, when she is relaxed or when sleeping, and place the puppies with the mother, also it would be a good idea to first have the puppies lay on a blanked that the mother did, so they have the same smell. this worked for me with my dog, and my cat. Hope it does for you.